Hi Serkan,

Sorry for the delay. We have two packages of Royale so far. First [1] is
where you can build your created application to both SWF and JS version.
The second one [2] is for building your created application to JS only [2].
If you decide to go with Maven path you will be IDE agnostic and you will
be able to use IDE for coding only. I'm working like that in the most cases.

There are two IDE which supports Apache FlexJS and the teams working on
supports Apache Royale [3][4].

- Moonshine [5] will have partial support in the upcoming release 1.6.1
details in the issue on github. We are going to release very soon that
- VSCode [6]  seems to be pretty close to also have Apache Royale support!

I hope that helps you to get engaged! Look forward to your questions!

[3] https://github.com/prominic/Moonshine-IDE/issues/50
[4] https://github.com/BowlerHatLLC/vscode-nextgenas/issues/144
[5] https://nextgenactionscript.com/
[6] http://moonshine-ide.com/

Thanks, Piotr

2017-11-09 21:54 GMT+01:00 Serkan Taş <serkan....@likyateknoloji.com>:

> Hi Nikola,
> Thank you for realy detailed response.
> I have been application developer for long time but better like to do
> something in server side. Current flex UI need to be moved to
> flash-player-free version is the UI of Job Scheduler  named Pınara.
> I do not perefer normally to compile the sdk myself, but it may be helpful
> because there may be some locale problems from local settings and i may
> face them as early as possible. But it is going to be very nice if your
> share the sdk binaries download link.
> I am providing consultancy services during my day and only have time
> afterworks if i feel good,  so i can not fully involve on my migration plan.
> And i share the same feeling with you about the importance of JS output :)
> Serkan Taş
> 06.11.2017 01:56 tarihinde Idylog - Nicolas Granon yazdı:
> Hi Serkan,
>> Welcome to the list, and welcome to this exciting project !
>> I do not belong to the Apache Royale "core team", but since you seems to
>> be on the "application developer" side like me, I thought I could try to
>> bring some information to you.
>> I do not have any "expertise" in Apache Royale, and maybe some of my
>> comments are not accurate.
>> But, like you, we have Flex applications to migrate, and, at least, my
>> comments reflect what we have understood so far.
>> I apologize to all "core team" members for any wrong/inexact opinion in
>> there. Also, it is possible that my English does not adequately reflects my
>> thoughts.
>> At this time, the Apache Royale project in reaching the end of some major
>> restructuring work. That might explain some difficulties in building the
>> SDK.
>> For us, we do not compile the SDK ourselves : we only use the binaries
>> distribution.
>> But we know that SDK compile-from-source process is not, right now, fully
>> operational. From what I understand, it is a matter of days before it is
>> fully operational again.
>> We are in kind of "intermediate" step until restructuring is fully
>> achieved.
>> As of today, you could download the FlexJS (v.0.8) or the Apache Royale
>> (v.0.9) SDK.
>> Obviously, the project name changed (and it also caused some delay in the
>> availability of a full operational version) and is now "Apache Royale".
>> FlexJS (0.8) is more stable but since there were many name-changes I
>> believe it is better to go with Royale 0.9 despites it is not fully
>> operational as of today.
>> With Apache Royale you code mxml and as, like "before" (Flex).
>> The compiler is able to produce a SWF file (like before) *or* (more or
>> less) equivalent javascript scripts. In the case of javascript output, the
>> Flash Player is not needed at runtime.
>> You still can build with ant. The compiler name is still mxmlc (or compc
>> for libraries). Most parameters are the same. Of course, some new
>> parameters apply to javascript ouput.
>> Yes you can use FlashBuilder (this is what we do).
>> I have send one or two contribution to this list on how to setup FB.
>> As of today, there are still some minor issues, but I'm confident all
>> will be resolved very quickly, as we approach to v.1.0.
>> As I understand your question about "application structure", and as far
>> as I know, it is a very classic "javascript includes" structure (like
>> angular, react and many other).
>> Debug output is human-readable, production (release) output is minified.
>> But since you can debug from (as3) source code, I believe you could
>> totally ignore javascript output.
>> As I see it, the project has really strong points :
>> The compiler is excellent
>> AS3 language syntax is fully preserved
>> MXML syntax is fully preserved
>> The "js side" output uses proven tools (google closures...)
>> The development team has excellent qualifications and they are very
>> thoughtful and dedicated people.
>> The community is very supportive.
>> (strong point ? may be discussed !) It is really a community project
>> without an official roadmap and without any "directing board". You can
>> really engage in architectural and implementation discussion, express your
>> opinion and make it prevail if it makes sense.
>> (I'm sure I'm forgetting some strong point !)
>> And also weak points :
>> It is not yet fully specified (work on theming, localization, UI
>> components capabilities and other aspects is still in progress)
>> The initial goal was to have "almost full compatibility" between SWF
>> (flash player) and JS output. In my eyes (it is only my personal opinion)
>> this is not such a good goal (even if I understand the motivations). It
>> adds much complexity but I'm pretty sure that very few people will need it.
>> I feel that since a few weeks more people understand that outputting JS is
>> more important than outputting SWF.
>> The community is not very large and web presence is small. This is normal
>> for an emerging project which is not backed up by some mega corporation.
>> You cannot expect to have identical component names/API than in mx or
>> spark. You will have to replace (when migrating an existing application)
>> almost all component declaration and customization, and also most event
>> management calls. However, non-UI code should only need minor adjustments.
>> (weak point ? may be discussed !) It is really a community project
>> without an official roadmap and without any "directing board". You will not
>> get a "packaged" solution, ready to consume.
>> (I'm sure I'm forgetting some weak point !)
>> I would like to encourage people like you to go with this project : it
>> has very strong foundation and despites its current and temporary unstable
>> state (which should resolve quickly) it offers to application developers
>> like you and me a wonderful and modern tool for building "web-apps".
>> The more people like you we have on board, the more chances we have to
>> get Apache Royale in the top-three app development SDKs.
>> May I remind again that I am not part of the sdk developing team, and
>> that my opinions and assertions are under my own responsibility and only
>> reflect my own understandings.
>> Nicolas Granon
>> De : Serkan Taş [mailto:serkan....@likyateknoloji.com]
>> Envoyé : dimanche 5 novembre 2017 17:51
>> À : users@royale.apache.org
>> Objet : Royal-Js sdk and more...
>> Hi,
>> I spent some time on your mails below but it is not clear enough for me.
>> I tried to build the source from https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs
>> but failed.
>> I have some questions.
>> In flex we were building the mxl codes and as codes with flex sdk to
>> produce swf files that are being loaded by browser. I also had some setup
>> before for the command line building automation with ant mxml task.
>> For the Royal;
>> • What is going on RoyaleJs ?
>> • Where and which sdk should i download or build my own ?
>> • Is it possbile to you use flashbuilder with RoyalJs ?
>> I have spent so much time J2ee and web applications, in pure php html
>> sites, pure js with rest backend and small time with js fw like angular. I
>> a familiar with other technologies.
>> As i know, we will not need flash player any more.
>> So what is the application structure of RoyaleJs at last ? A compressed
>> file like jar, or js files or something else ?
>> If i can start developing small applications, i may go on to migrate my
>> legacy flex application.
>> I know it is really new project and lots of work need to be done
>> especially documentation.
>> Thanx in advance.
>>       Hi,
>>   I have a new migration helper at:
>> http://home.apache.org/~pent/Flex2RoyaleApp/
>>   You should start with the Royale Express package as these are components
>> that have the most common functionality built into them. Your feedback
>> would be GREATLY appreciated so we can make this better.
>>   I just finished putting in additional information onto that helper
>> guide.
>> It does need more details but hopefully will get you started.
>>   Regards,
>> Peter Ent
>> Adobe Systems/Apache Royale Project
>>   Hi Serkan,
>>   I would add couple of things to the Carlos's message. First of all
>> Peter's
>> application and their results - not sure if it is updated [1], apache
>> Royale website which is under construction [2]. I would suggest you to
>> take
>> a look into the examples first and try to build them [3]. You have there
>> couple of options:
>> 1) You can build applications using independent from IDE tools: Ant or
>> Maven
>> 2) You can choose one of the available IDE which supports for now FlexJS,
>> they will be soon both support Royale [4][5].
>>   [1] http://home.apache.org/~pent/Flex2Royale/
>> [2] http://royale.apache.org/
>> [3] https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/tree/develop/examples/royale
>> [4] https://nextgenactionscript.com/
>> [5] http://moonshine-ide.com/
>>   Feel free to ask any kind of question, the beginnings with FlexJS/Royale
>> become hard, but later you will like it more.
>>   Piotr
>>       2017-10-25 11:19 GMT+02:00 Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>:
>>> Hi Senkar,
>>> in Royale list you can check for Peter Ent's effort to generate a some
>>> Flex2Royale App that helps with component documentation between SDKs.
>>> As well there's some effort by Olaf Krueger that should be migrate to
>>> Royale as well in github:
>>> https://github.com/ok-at-github/flexjs-docs/wiki
>>> Best
>>> Carlos
>>> 2017-10-25 11:14 GMT+02:00 Serkan TAS <serkan....@enerjisa.com>:
>>> Thank you ver much Carlos,
>>>> Is there a guide or some documentation for migration ?
>>>> --
>>> Carlos Rovira
>>> http://about.me/carlosrovira


Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki

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