install the vscode chrome debug extension
add/edit launch.json in your .vscode folder for the project with the

"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch Chrome, debug build with sourcemaps",
"type": "chrome",
"request": "launch",
"file": "${workspaceRoot}/bin/js-debug/index.html",
"sourceMaps": true

then you're good to go

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 3:18 AM, Piotr Zarzycki <>

> Jason,
> Thanks to your example I have discovered also issue in Moonshine and fixed
> it. :) I saw your Issue on GitHub - If you have an energy please correct
> our VSCode setup instruction or describe here how did you fix your problem.
> [1]
> [1]
> Thanks, Piotr
> 2018-01-30 23:27 GMT+01:00 Jason Taylor <>:
>> submitted the issue to nextgen, same issue with the pastebin with as code
>> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 2:24 PM, Piotr Zarzycki <
>>> wrote:
>>> Jason,
>>> One thought come up to my mind. Can you add some AS code and run
>>> debugging. Let's say have something like that: [1]
>>> [1]
>>> Thanks, Piotr
>>> 2018-01-30 23:11 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki <>:
>>>> Jason,
>>>> I think this is good place as a starting point, where we can figure out
>>>> whether there is an issue with Royale or not. From that place try to raise
>>>> issue on Josh GitHub NextGen [1]
>>>> [1]
>>>> Thanks, Piotr
>>>> 2018-01-30 23:03 GMT+01:00 Jason Taylor <>:
>>>>> figured that out, outFiles needs to be an array like so:
>>>>> "outFiles": ["${workspaceRoot}/bin/js-debug"]
>>>>> however, now debugging does actually start but generates an exception
>>>>> Exception has occurred: ReferenceError
>>>>> ReferenceError: goog is not defined at Object.<anonymous>
>>>>> (c:\Users\jason\Documents\Test\bin\js-debug\HelloRoyale.js:10:1) at
>>>>> Module._compile (module.js:640:14) at Object.Module._extensions..js
>>>>> (module.js:654:10) at Module.load (module.js:556:32) at tryModuleLoad
>>>>> (module.js:499:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:491:3) at
>>>>> Function.Module.runMain (module.js:684:10) at startup
>>>>> (bootstrap_node.js:187:16) at bootstrap_node.js:608:3
>>>>> at HelloRoyale.js line 10, seems goog is undefined, again seems like a
>>>>> nextgenas related issue?
>>>>> /**
>>>>> * Generated by Apache Royale Compiler from HelloRoyale.mxml
>>>>> * HelloRoyale
>>>>> *
>>>>> * @fileoverview
>>>>> *
>>>>> * @suppress {checkTypes|accessControls}
>>>>> */
>>>>> goog.provide('HelloRoyale');
>>>>> goog.require('org.apache.royale.core.Application');
>>>>> goog.require('org.apache.royale.core.View');
>>>>> goog.require('org.apache.royale.html.Label');
>>>>> goog.require('org.apache.royale.html.supportClasses.ScrollingViewport'
>>>>> );
>>>>> goog.require('org.apache.royale.html.beads.layouts.Horizonta
>>>>> lFlexLayout');
>>>>> goog.require('org.apache.royale.html.beads.models.ViewportModel');
>>>>> goog.require('org.apache.royale.html.beads.layouts.Horizonta
>>>>> lFlexLayout');
>>>>> goog.require('org.apache.royale.html.beads.GroupView');
>>>>> goog.require('org.apache.royale.html.beads.layouts.BasicLayout');
>>>>> /**
>>>>> * @constructor
>>>>> * @extends {org.apache.royale.core.Application}
>>>>> */
>>>>> HelloRoyale = function() {
>>>>> HelloRoyale.base(this, 'constructor');
>>>>> /**
>>>>> * @private
>>>>> * @type {org.apache.royale.core.View}
>>>>> */
>>>>> this.$ID1_;
>>>>> /**
>>>>> * @private
>>>>> * @type {org.apache.royale.html.Label}
>>>>> */
>>>>> this.$ID0_;
>>>>> /**
>>>>> * @private
>>>>> * @type {Array}
>>>>> */
>>>>> this.mxmldd;
>>>>> /**
>>>>> * @private
>>>>> * @type {Array}
>>>>> */
>>>>> this.mxmldp;
>>>>> this.generateMXMLAttributes
>>>>> ([1,
>>>>> 'initialView',
>>>>> false,
>>>>> [org.apache.royale.core.View, 1, '_id', true, '$ID1', 0, 0, [org.
>>>>> apache.royale.html.Label, 4, '_id', true, '$ID0', 'text', true, 'Hello
>>>>> World', 'x', true, 100, 'y', true, 100, 0, 0, null]],
>>>>> 0,
>>>>> 0
>>>>> ]);
>>>>> };
>>>>> goog.inherits(HelloRoyale, org.apache.royale.core.Application);
>>>>> /**
>>>>> * Prevent renaming of class. Needed for reflection.
>>>>> */
>>>>> goog.exportSymbol('HelloRoyale', HelloRoyale);
>>>>> /**
>>>>> * Metadata
>>>>> *
>>>>> * @type {Object.<string, Array.<Object>>}
>>>>> */
>>>>> HelloRoyale.prototype.ROYALE_CLASS_INFO = { names: [{ name:
>>>>> 'HelloRoyale', qName: 'HelloRoyale', kind: 'class' }] };
>>>>> /**
>>>>> * Reflection
>>>>> *
>>>>> * @return {Object.<string, Function>}
>>>>> */
>>>>> HelloRoyale.prototype.ROYALE_REFLECTION_INFO = function () {
>>>>> return {
>>>>> variables: function () {return {};},
>>>>> accessors: function () {return {};},
>>>>> methods: function () {
>>>>> return {
>>>>> 'HelloRoyale': { type: '', declaredBy: 'HelloRoyale'}
>>>>> };
>>>>> }
>>>>> };
>>>>> };
>>>>> //# sourceMappingURL=./
>>>>> = function() {
>>>>> return { }};
>>>>> HelloRoyale.prototype.cssData = [0,
>>>>> 1,
>>>>> "*",
>>>>> function() {this["fontFamily"] = "Arial";
>>>>> this["borderWidth"] = 1.0;
>>>>> this["fontSize"] = 12.0},
>>>>> 0,
>>>>> 1,
>>>>> ".Application *",
>>>>> function() {this["WebkitBoxSizing"] = "border-box";
>>>>> this["boxSizing"] = "border-box";
>>>>> this["MozBoxSizing"] = "border-box"},
>>>>> 0,
>>>>> 1,
>>>>> ".royale *",
>>>>> function() {this["WebkitBoxSizing"] = "border-box";
>>>>> this["boxSizing"] = "border-box";
>>>>> this["MozBoxSizing"] = "border-box"},
>>>>> 0,
>>>>> 1,
>>>>> ".royale *:before",
>>>>> function() {this["WebkitBoxSizing"] = "border-box";
>>>>> this["boxSizing"] = "border-box";
>>>>> this["MozBoxSizing"] = "border-box"},
>>>>> 0,
>>>>> 1,
>>>>> ".royale *:after",
>>>>> function() {this["WebkitBoxSizing"] = "border-box";
>>>>> this["boxSizing"] = "border-box";
>>>>> this["MozBoxSizing"] = "border-box"},
>>>>> 0,
>>>>> 1,
>>>>> ".unselectable",
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Jason Taylor <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> did that with no change, output folder looks good,
>>>>>> js-debug/HelloRoayle.js, map, index.html, css, library and org files,
>>>>>> index.html runs perfectly in chrome with no errors.  Seems to be specific
>>>>>> to launching debugging with VSCode and NextGenAS
>>>>>> launch.json is the following:
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
>>>>>> // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
>>>>>> // For more information, visit:
>>>>>> k/?linkid=830387
>>>>>> "version": "0.2.0",
>>>>>> "configurations": [
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> "type": "node",
>>>>>> "request": "launch",
>>>>>> "name": "Launch Program",
>>>>>> "program": "${workspaceFolder}/app.js"
>>>>>> },
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> "name": "NextGenAS Node.js Launch",
>>>>>> "type": "node",
>>>>>> "request": "launch",
>>>>>> "program": "${workspaceRoot}/bin/js-debug/HelloRoyale.js",
>>>>>> "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/bin/js-debug",
>>>>>> "sourceMaps": true,
>>>>>> "outFiles": "${workspaceRoot}/bin/js-debug"
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> ]
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> is there a better place to discuss NextGenAS issues?
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 1:26 PM, Piotr Zarzycki <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Jason,
>>>>>>> I think I see where the problem can be. Can you add additional
>>>>>>> namespace to that app ? [1] You will need to have following namespaces:
>>>>>>>    1. xmlns:express="library://"
>>>>>>>    2. xmlns:js="library://"
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> Thanks, Piotr
>>>>>>> 2018-01-30 22:21 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki <
>>>>>>> >:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jason,
>>>>>>>> What are you actually seeing in the folder bin/js-debug/ after
>>>>>>>> compilation ?
>>>>>>>> Thanks, Piotr
>>>>>>>> 2018-01-30 22:14 GMT+01:00 Jason Taylor <>:
>>>>>>>>> congrats on the release of .9,
>>>>>>>>> I Followed the guides for VSCode and Apache Royale compiling the
>>>>>>>>> following program:
>>>>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>>>>>>>>> <js:Application xmlns:fx=""; xmlns:js=
>>>>>>>>> "library://">
>>>>>>>>>     <js:initialView>
>>>>>>>>>         <js:View>
>>>>>>>>>             <js:Label text="Hello World" x="100" y="100"/>
>>>>>>>>>         </js:View>
>>>>>>>>>     </js:initialView>
>>>>>>>>> </js:Application>
>>>>>>>>> Build is succesful, but launching debuging gives the following
>>>>>>>>> error:
>>>>>>>>> Debugging with inspector protocol because Node.js v8.9.4 was
>>>>>>>>> detected.
>>>>>>>>> ******** Unhandled error in debug adapter - Unhandled promise
>>>>>>>>> rejection: TypeError: patterns.forEach is not a function
>>>>>>>>> at Object.multiGlob (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS
>>>>>>>>> Code\resources\app\extensions\ms-vscode.node-debug2\node_mod
>>>>>>>>> ules\vscode-chrome-debug-core\out\src\utils.js:341:18)
>>>>>>>>> at EagerSourceMapTransformer.init (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS
>>>>>>>>> Code\resources\app\extensions\ms-vscode.node-debug2\node_mod
>>>>>>>>> ules\vscode-chrome-debug-core\out\src\transformers\eagerSour
>>>>>>>>> ceMapTransformer.js:26:39)
>>>>>>>>> at EagerSourceMapTransformer.launch (c:\Program Files\Microsoft
>>>>>>>>> VS Code\resources\app\extensions\ms-vscode.node-debug2\node_mod
>>>>>>>>> ules\vscode-chrome-debug-core\out\src\transformers\baseSourc
>>>>>>>>> eMapTransformer.js:34:14)
>>>>>>>>> at NodeDebugAdapter.launch (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS
>>>>>>>>> Code\resources\app\extensions\ms-vscode.node-debug2\node_mod
>>>>>>>>> ules\vscode-chrome-debug-core\out\src\chrome\chromeDebugAdap
>>>>>>>>> ter.js:144:36)
>>>>>>>>> at NodeDebugAdapter.<anonymous> (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS
>>>>>>>>> Code\resources\app\extensions\ms-vscode.node-debug2\out\src\
>>>>>>>>> nodeDebugAdapter.js:57:36)
>>>>>>>>> at (<anonymous>)
>>>>>>>>> at c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\extensions\
>>>>>>>>> ms-vscode.node-debug2\out\src\nodeDebugAdapter.js:10:71
>>>>>>>>> at Promise (<anonymous>)
>>>>>>>>> at __awaiter (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS
>>>>>>>>> Code\resources\app\extensions\ms-vscode.node-debug2\out\src\
>>>>>>>>> nodeDebugAdapter.js:6:12)
>>>>>>>>> at NodeDebugAdapter.launch (c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS
>>>>>>>>> Code\resources\app\extensions\ms-vscode.
>>>>>>>>> Also at the top of VSCode it shows an error  Attribute 'program'
>>>>>>>>> does not exist 
>>>>>>>>> ('c:\Users\jason\Documents\Test/bin/js-debug/index.js').
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Piotr Zarzycki
>>>>>>>> Patreon: *
>>>>>>>> <>*
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Piotr Zarzycki
>>>>>>> Patreon: *
>>>>>>> <>*
>>>> --
>>>> Piotr Zarzycki
>>>> Patreon: *
>>>> <>*
>>> --
>>> Piotr Zarzycki
>>> Patreon: *
>>> <>*
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *
> <>*

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