

When I was committing the merge for some PR’s today. There were maximum 10 
commits that were shown per PR while merging.

After Merging when I see PR from history in MXRoyale Branch. It shows changes 
in many files.

But MXRoyale Source is also compiled Successfully.

Could someone please check?



Alina Kazi


From: Alina Kazi [mailto:alina.k...@d-bz.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:59 PM
To: users@royale.apache.org
Subject: RE: Work on Emulation


Thank you so much Alex.

I didn’t noticed that while merging PR for SparkSkin.

I will re-check spark-royale-manifest.xml , SparkRoyaleClasses.as 
,mx-royale-manifest.xml and MXRoyaleClases.as  for all emulated components.



Alina Kazi


From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:31 PM
To: users@royale.apache.org
Subject: Re: Work on Emulation


Hi Alina,


It looks like there was some confusion around step #8 in the wiki article.  
Classes like SparkSkin are used in MXML and thus should be added to 
src/main/resources/spark-royale-manifest.xml instead of SparkRoyaleClasses.as.  
The same may be true for the MXRoyale project and mx-royale-manifest.xml.  If 
you look at the actual Flex spark-manifest.xml and mx-manifest.xml, I think you 
can copy the lines for classes you have emulated.





From: Alina Kazi <alina.k...@d-bz.com>
Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at 11:29 PM
To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
Subject: RE: Work on Emulation


Hi Alex

Thanks for updating 
  for further explanation.

I am trying to Compile mxml Components in SparkRoyale , Getting this Error : 


Do I need to add/change something to refer existing library in configuration 



Alina Kazi


From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 9:29 PM
To: users@royale.apache.org
Subject: Re: Work on Emulation


Hi Alina,


That is awesome.  Once the PR’s have been merged, the next test is to compile 
your existing app against the feature/MXRoyale branch.  It should compile 
without errors (of course, it probably won’t run).  If you do get errors, then 
we need to figure out why.


The next step will be to actually make the emulated components draw something 
on the screen even if it is “ugly”.  I’ve done that for several components 
already.  I will try to write up a better explanation of how I do that.

Then the next step is to make the emulated components have the right size and 

The final step is to fix bugs so your app runs properly.





From: Alina Kazi <alina.k...@d-bz.com>
Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 at 2:36 AM
To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
Subject: RE: Work on Emulation


Thanks Alex.

All mx and spark Components are emulated except 1 that is in Progress.

Hopefully tomorrow I will merge PR’s.

Feature/MXRoyale branch is 331 commits ahead, 108 commits behind develop. 

I just wanted to know when you are going to merge that branch with develop 
branch, do you merge these components will be functional ?

What should I do next to make them functional ? 


Also , Thanks for providing a very helpful guide for the creation of the 



-Alina Kazi


From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 9:31 PM
To: users@royale.apache.org
Subject: Re: Work on Emulation


Hi Alina,


That’s great.  I see you have almost completed the creation of the emulation 
classes.  That will be a significant milestone when you achieve that.


Keep up the good work.



From: Alina Kazi <alinakazi1...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
Date: Friday, May 25, 2018 at 4:14 AM
To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Work on Emulation



Few Emulated Spark & MX Components are compiled together.

MX : Button & Label

Spark :Button,CheckBox,TextArea,TextInput,NumericStepper, List & DropDownList

Project link:




Alina Kazi


On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 8:39 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

Hi Shahid,


Please try to ask more specific questions.  In this case, maybe something like: 
 “When I compile these lines of MXML with this command line I get this error”.





From: Shahid Khan <shahid.k...@d-bz.com>
Reply-To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
Date: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 12:56 AM
To: "users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
Subject: Work on Emulation




I’m having compile issues with MX/Spark tags while emulating MXML files so 
needs some instructions on how to emulate them? 






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