Are you using the latest nightly build of the feature/MXRoyale branch?  If not, 
get it from

If it still isn't working, can you create a small test case we can debug using 
that same server?


On 8/8/18, 4:50 PM, "JoeBoxer" <> wrote:

    We are in the process of migrating to Royale and our current Flex/Flash
    application relies heavily on WebORB for remoting.  Unfortunately, we are
    having issues getting the Royale amf/remoting to work.  Performing a simple
    amf request using RemoteObject or SimpleRemoteObject results in: 
    Chrome console output: 
    destination fault handler 
    {code: -1005, message: "Invalid response.", detail: "", data: null} 
    The server-side WebORB log shows: 
    [Thread-24] WEBORB INFO:8/8/2018 1:33:27 PM:Received request for
    http://[weborb service]/remoting.aspx from [myIP] 
    [Thread-24] WEBORB INFO:8/8/2018 1:33:27 PM:Request is in session
    [Thread-24] WEBORB EXCEPTION:8/8/2018 1:33:27 PM:cannot parse request.
    possible reasons: malformed request or protocol formatter is not registered
    :   at Weborb.Protocols.ProtocolRegistry.BuildMessage(String contentType,
    Stream requestStream, NameValueCollection headers) 
       at Weborb.ORBHttpHandler.a(HttpContext A_0, HttpRequest A_1, HttpResponse
    If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how to trouble-shoot this it would
    be greatly appreciated. 
    In addition if further information is needed please don't hesitate to
    comment and I'll do my best to track it down. 
    Thanx in advance. 
    Sent from:;;sdata=%2BGe4Jf9Ua05%2Bt2hq7A%2Bn6925eOsXXZDUaAgc40tzpy4%3D&amp;reserved=0

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