"Delete the bin/js-debug folder and try again."
That did the trick. I have to get used to this new approach.
With Flex since is a single file, is always updated.
There was probably old files from the previous compile with the previous SDK

Now I can see the button on the page and without any console errors however
when I press the button, nothing happens and I get the following console

Alert.js:159 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'systemManager' of
    at Function.mx.controls.Alert.show (Alert.js:159)
    at HelloRoyale.$EH0 (HelloRoyale.mxml:12)
    at Function.goog.events.fireListener [as googFireListener]
    at Object.org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper.fireListenerOverride
[as fireListener] (HTMLElementWrapper.js:61)
    at HTMLButtonElement.goog.events.handleBrowserEvent_ (events.js:870)
    at HTMLButtonElement.f (events.js:289)

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