
Persons who are studying the Flex migration to Apache Royale like me, may
want to see more details.
The Github description is fine for introduction purpose.  However, I'd like
to see more realistic guidelines for the migration.
HelloRoyale.mxml is too simple for this purpose, I think.  I'd like to see
the entry mxml and other stuffs (views and ActionScript files).

I could understand the build basic for more complex application by looking
at Greg-provided asconfig.json.  Then, I've added luanch.json and
tasks.json to display the output just after build.
Now, I feel VS code can be used as a development IDE for Apache Royale.

As a summary, the following are better be added:
- Example with a bit more complex application structure
- Detailed description on how to prepare asconfig.json.
- (Option) Use of launch.json and tasks.json (efficiency purpose)
- (Option) How to set up Maven build (how to create pom.xml and application
- (Option) Total solution for Apache Royale (Flex + server side Spring)

On Sun, Nov 3, 2019 at 4:17 PM Piotr Zarzycki <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com>

> Hi Takeshita,
> Try to look into following instruction and let us know what we miss here
> [1].
> [1] https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/wiki/Visual-Studio-Code
> Thanks,
> Piotr
> niedz., 3 lis 2019 o 08:14 Takeshita Shoichiro <jl03...@gmail.com>
> napisał(a):
>> Greg and others,
>> I have prepared the document for creating Apache Royale project using
>> Visual Studio Code.  Just for your information.
>> Thanks.
>> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 9:04 PM Takeshita Shoichiro <jl03...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Greg, thanks.
>>> Warning messages have gone.
>>> I will prepare a migration note to be shared with members.  Before that,
>>> I will ask some questions shortly.
>>> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 9:51 AM Greg Dove <greg.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Takeshita,
>>>> Great! Yes those warnings are not unexpected. One issue with public
>>>> vars in Royale is that they can be renamed in the minified javascript
>>>> output, and not accessible via dynamic access e.g this['dispatcher'] is not
>>>> reliable inside Login.mxml, for example. Most often this is not an issue,
>>>> but that warning is just to remind people about this.
>>>> But Crux uses reflection to set those correctly for [Inject] processing
>>>> even when they are renamed/minified.
>>>> You can avoid the warnings by using doc-comment directives.
>>>> For an actionscript class, you can annotate individual public vars, or
>>>> (easier) the class itself with the following before :
>>>>          /**
>>>>          *  @royalesuppresspublicvarwarning
>>>>          */
>>>> In mxml script blocks I expect this is only possible for each
>>>> individual member.
>>>> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 1:39 PM Takeshita Shoichiro <jl03...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Greg, the build worked after removing source-path, which I added.
>>>>> Thanks.  I've confirmed the same output as yours was generated.
>>>>> Well, some warning messages are shown as follows.  Would you please
>>>>> check?
>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> > Executing task in folder Porting: C:\Program
>>>>> Files\Java\jdk-11.0.5\bin\java.exe -jar
>>>>> c:\Users\jl031\.vscode\extensions\bowlerhatllc.vscode-nextgenas-0.23.2\bin\asconfigc.jar
>>>>> --sdk c:\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js\royale-asjs --debug=true --project
>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\asconfig.json <
>>>>> +royalelib=c:\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js\royale-asjs\frameworks
>>>>> --debug=true
>>>>> +configname=royale
>>>>> --targets=JSRoyale
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/BasicJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/MXRoyaleJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/SparkRoyaleJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/CoreJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/LanguageJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/CruxJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/HTMLJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/CollectionsJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/BindingJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/GraphicsJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/ReflectionJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/TLFJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/XMLJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/TextJS.swc
>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/NetworkJS.swc
>>>>> --source-map=true
>>>>> -keep-as3-metadata+=Inject,Dispatcher,EventHandler,PostConstruct,PreDestroy,ViewAdded,ViewRemoved,Bindable,Transient
>>>>> -keep-code-with-metadata=Inject
>>>>> --
>>>>> src/main/royale/Main.mxml
>>>>> The project 'Main' has been successfully compiled.
>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\Main.mxml(60):
>>>>> col: 4 隴ヲ蜻・: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
>>>>> getter/setter instead.
>>>>>                         public var userName:String;
>>>>>                         ^
>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\Main.mxml(61):
>>>>> col: 4 隴ヲ蜻・: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
>>>>> getter/setter instead.
>>>>>                         public var userId:String;
>>>>>                         ^
>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\Main.mxml(62):
>>>>> col: 4 隴ヲ蜻・: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
>>>>> getter/setter instead.
>>>>>                         public var roleName:String;
>>>>>                         ^
>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\Main.mxml(63):
>>>>> col: 4 隴ヲ蜻・: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
>>>>> getter/setter instead.
>>>>>                         public var headerViewControl:ArrayCollection;
>>>>>                         ^
>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\jp\co\tak\view\Login.mxml(44):
>>>>> col: 4 隴ヲ蜻・: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
>>>>> getter/setter instead.
>>>>>                         public var loginModel:LoginModel;
>>>>>                         ^
>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\jp\co\tak\view\Login.mxml(47):
>>>>> col: 4 隴ヲ蜻・: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
>>>>> getter/setter instead.
>>>>>                         public var dispatcher:IEventDispatcher;
>>>>>                         ^
>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\jp\co\tak\command\LoginSignInCommand.as(25):
>>>>> col: 3 隴ヲ蜻・: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
>>>>> getter/setter instead.
>>>>>                 public var loginModel:LoginModel;
>>>>>                 ^
>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\jp\co\tak\event\LoginLoadEvent.as(11):
>>>>> col: 3 隴ヲ蜻・: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
>>>>> getter/setter instead.
>>>>>                 public var callBack:Function;
>>>>>                 ^
>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\jp\co\tak\event\LoginSignInEvent.as(11):
>>>>> col: 3 隴ヲ蜻・: public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
>>>>> getter/setter instead.
>>>>>                 public var vo:UserLoginVO;
>>>>>                 ^
>>>>> 12.539034 seconds
>>>>> Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
>>>>> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 7:54 AM Takeshita Shoichiro <jl03...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Greg, thanks for your advice.  I will try after change.
>>>>>> 2019年11月1日(金) 7:51 Greg Dove <greg.d...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Hi Takeshita,
>>>>>>> The one thing that strikes me as wrong is this:
>>>>>>>   "source-path": [
>>>>>>>             "src"
>>>>>>>         ],
>>>>>>> I don't have that in mine, the 'files' reference to the application
>>>>>>> mxml is sufficient I think.
>>>>>>> But if you need to include, that it should probably be like:
>>>>>>>         "source-path": [
>>>>>>>             "src/main/royale"
>>>>>>>             ],
>>>>>>> That src/main/royale path is a convention used by maven.
>>>>>>> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 2:47 AM Takeshita Shoichiro <
>>>>>>> jl03...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Greg,
>>>>>>>> The build ends with error.  The problem is caused by Main.mxml and
>>>>>>>> LoginController.as.  I attached terminal log.  Sorry for the garbage
>>>>>>>> characters.  I could not fix.  I will try later.
>>>>>>>> I changed a bit your provided asconfig.json.  Check the
>>>>>>>> attachment.  Appreciate your check.
>>>>>>>> ===============================================================================================================================
>>>>>>>> > Executing task in folder Porting: C:\Program
>>>>>>>> Files\Java\jdk-11.0.5\bin\java.exe -jar
>>>>>>>> c:\Users\jl031\.vscode\extensions\bowlerhatllc.vscode-nextgenas-0.23.2\bin\asconfigc.jar
>>>>>>>> --sdk c:\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js\royale-asjs --debug=true --project
>>>>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\asconfig.json <
>>>>>>>> MXMLJSC
>>>>>>>> +royalelib=c:\apache-royale-0.9.7-bin-js\royale-asjs\frameworks
>>>>>>>> --debug=true
>>>>>>>> +configname=royale
>>>>>>>> --targets=JSRoyale
>>>>>>>> --source-path+=src
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/BasicJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/MXRoyaleJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/SparkRoyaleJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/CoreJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/LanguageJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/CruxJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/HTMLJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/CollectionsJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/BindingJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/GraphicsJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/ReflectionJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/TLFJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/XMLJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/TextJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/NetworkJS.swc
>>>>>>>> --source-map=true
>>>>>>>> -keep-as3-metadata+=Inject,Dispatcher,EventHandler,PostConstruct,PreDestroy,ViewAdded,ViewRemoved,Bindable,Transient
>>>>>>>> -keep-code-with-metadata=Inject
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> src/main/royale/Main.mxml
>>>>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\Main.mxml(30):
>>>>>>>> col: 5 繧ィ繝ゥ繝シ : 縺薙・繧ソ繧ー繧・ActionScript class
>>>>>>>> 縺ォ隗」豎コ縺ァ縺阪∪縺帙s縺ァ縺励◆縲ゅ%縺ョ繧ソ繧ー縺ッ辟。隕悶&繧後∪縺吶・
>>>>>>>>                                 <business:Services/>
>>>>>>>>                                 ^
>>>>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\Main.mxml(32):
>>>>>>>> col: 5 繧ィ繝ゥ繝シ : 縺薙・繧ソ繧ー繧・ActionScript class
>>>>>>>> 縺ォ隗」豎コ縺ァ縺阪∪縺帙s縺ァ縺励◆縲ゅ%縺ョ繧ソ繧ー縺ッ辟。隕悶&繧後∪縺吶・
>>>>>>>>                                 <model:CruxModelConfig/>
>>>>>>>>                                 ^
>>>>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\Main.mxml(35):
>>>>>>>> col: 6 繧ィ繝ゥ繝シ : 縺薙・繧ソ繧ー縺ッ辟。蜉ケ縺ァ縺吶ゅ%縺ョ繧ソ繧ー縺ッ辟。隕悶&繧後∪縺吶・
>>>>>>>>                                         <control:LoginController/>
>>>>>>>>                                         ^
>>>>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\Main.mxml(78):
>>>>>>>> col: 5 繧ィ繝ゥ繝シ : 縺薙・繧ソ繧ー縺ッ辟。蜉ケ縺ァ縺吶ゅ%縺ョ繧ソ繧ー縺ッ辟。隕悶&繧後∪縺吶・
>>>>>>>>                                 <view:Login id="login"/>
>>>>>>>>                                 ^
>>>>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\jp\co\tak\control\LoginController.as
>>>>>>>> 繧ィ繝ゥ繝シ : 縲稽ain.royale.jp.co.tak.control.LoginController縲阪→縺・≧蜷榊
>>>>>>>> 燕繧呈戟縺、縲∝、夜Κ縺九i陦ィ遉コ蜿ッ閭ス縺ェ螳夂セゥ縺ッ隕九▽縺九j縺セ縺帙s縺ァ縺励◆縲・
>>>>>>>> c:\Workspace\CairngormToCrux\Porting\src\main\royale\jp\co\tak\control\LoginController.as(14):
>>>>>>>> col: 15 繧ィ繝ゥ繝シ : 縲桂p.co.tak.control.LoginController縲阪→縺・≧蜷榊
>>>>>>>> 燕繧呈戟縺、縲∝、夜Κ縺九i陦ィ遉コ蜿ッ閭ス縺ェ螳夂セゥ縺御コ域悄縺帙★隕九▽縺九j縺セ縺励◆縲・
>>>>>>>>         public class LoginController extends CommandMap
>>>>>>>>                      ^
>>>>>>>> 1.7805689 seconds
>>>>>>>> The terminal process terminated with exit code: 3
>>>>>>>> Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 10:01 AM Greg Dove <greg.d...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> No problem... and yes Crux is an IOC approach, it is a close
>>>>>>>>> approximation of Swiz, that works in Javascript (with a few tweaks, 
>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>> emulation of stage events, for example)
>>>>>>>>> I think Cairngorm 3 is more a set of additional tools and
>>>>>>>>> libraries, some that work with various other IOC libraries (I assume
>>>>>>>>> Cairngorm 3 was a recognition of the growing popularity of those other
>>>>>>>>> options at the time it was developed). That set of options includes 
>>>>>>>>> Swiz,
>>>>>>>>> which is what Crux is based on, but also Parsley and others. However I
>>>>>>>>> expect that other things in the Cairngorm 3 code will continue to 
>>>>>>>>> work with
>>>>>>>>> the original Cairngorm 2 that you are using. See [1] below ... I would
>>>>>>>>> assume that any of the 'libraries' that don't say 'requires' probably 
>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>> still work with the original Cairngorm 2.
>>>>>>>>> So, as Alex said, I think the only thing to check is whether you
>>>>>>>>> are using any of Cairngorm 3 (those libraries). I did not see 
>>>>>>>>> evidence of
>>>>>>>>> that in your minimized example.
>>>>>>>>> 1.
>>>>>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/adobe/cairngorm/wiki/CairngormLibraries/#Libraries
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 1:37 PM Takeshita Shoichiro <
>>>>>>>>> jl03...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Greg, thanks a lot.  The URL is very helpful. At a glance, the
>>>>>>>>>> new thing for Cairngorm 3 is an introduction of Inversion of 
>>>>>>>>>> Control. And
>>>>>>>>>> your Crux’s recommendation is the use of injection.  Right?  So, 
>>>>>>>>>> Crux is
>>>>>>>>>> more equivalent to Cairngorm 3. That’s my impression.
>>>>>>>>>> As to the new Dropbox, the download at the customer’s office is
>>>>>>>>>> prohibited.  I will do the work at home tonight.
>>>>>>>>>> 2019年10月31日(木) 8:41 Greg Dove <greg.d...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>> Just another quick update, Takeshita. Please re-download the
>>>>>>>>>>> same zip from dropbox, which has been updated
>>>>>>>>>>> ' Using Visual Studio Code with ActionScript & MXML and Chrome
>>>>>>>>>>> Debugger extension is desirable.'
>>>>>>>>>>> I am not a frequent user of VSCode (although I do think it's
>>>>>>>>>>> great!). I updated the zip file in dropbox with something that 
>>>>>>>>>>> works for me
>>>>>>>>>>> using VSCode. Hopefully it works for you too. It probably will not
>>>>>>>>>>> represent 'best practice' for using VSCode, but others may be able 
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> advise for that.
>>>>>>>>>>> I expect you need to check this:
>>>>>>>>>>> "settings": {
>>>>>>>>>>> "as3mxml.sdk.framework": "c:\\development\\asf\\royale-asjs"
>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>> inside 'cairngorm-port-example.code-workspace' to be whatever
>>>>>>>>>>> makes sense on your system.
>>>>>>>>>>> 'Mock service helper in the Crux library'
>>>>>>>>>>> I added a mock response in the LoginServiceDelegate - I am not
>>>>>>>>>>> sure what the various fields should be returning, so there are some 
>>>>>>>>>>> random
>>>>>>>>>>> values in those, but I expect you can substitute those with more 
>>>>>>>>>>> realistic
>>>>>>>>>>> contents.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 11:39 AM Greg Dove <greg.d...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I was just investigating this also. The main MVC setup does not
>>>>>>>>>>>> change, and version 3 is more about enhancing general approaches: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> 'The
>>>>>>>>>>>> original Cairngorm library remains a part of Cairngorm 3, but has 
>>>>>>>>>>>> not been
>>>>>>>>>>>> updated for this release.' [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>> I only saw the original Cairngorm 2 approach in your (minimal)
>>>>>>>>>>>> code so far, Takeshita.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Here is a good description for version 3 Cairngorm:
>>>>>>>>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/adobe/cairngorm/wiki/GettingStartedWithCairngorm/
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 11:12 AM Takeshita Shoichiro <
>>>>>>>>>>>> jl03...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alex, I think version 2 by looking at the source. Version 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems to have a different application architecture, which is not 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> our case.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If I can find the different information from the build materials, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> inform.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2019年10月31日(木) 1:01 Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi T-San,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just to make sure:  What version of Cairngorm did you use in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your app?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *From: *Takeshita Shoichiro <jl03...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users@royale.apache.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Date: *Wednesday, October 30, 2019 at 5:02 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject: *Re: Cairngorm to Crux
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Greg, thanks a lot for your great work.  It seems it's very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possible to migrate from Cairngorm to Crux.  I will check the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> changes you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made in details tomorrow at the office.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have your favors for the following matters.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *- Mock service helper in the Crux library*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm interested in this.  Would you provide the information?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *- I used maven locally to build that, as a local variation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inside the royale crux examples.*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you provide your maven build procedure for this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application?  I do not know how to build an application with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> product-like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> architecture (the one I sent to you).  I'd like to build my 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see the result quickly.  Using Visual Studio Code with 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ActionScript & MXML
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Chrome Debugger extension is desirable.  However, if it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> takes time,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maven is fine but I want to build one application.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Appreciate your help.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S. Takeshita
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 3:52 PM Greg Dove <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> greg.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @aharui
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Actually it looks like I already based the 'QuickStart'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> examples in crux-examples on that, so maybe I did already 'test' 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> serviceHelper/Mock services stuff. I had forgotten these 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details. I need to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attribute those 2 specific examples with that Swiz source. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will add that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tomorrow.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the Cairrngorm stuff I believe Cairngorm 3 became more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> generic and provided various enhancements to the other newer 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> architectural
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frameworks (Swiz, Robotlegs, Parsley etc) instead of being an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> evolution of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the original Cairngorm, but I might be wrong about that. The app 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I ported
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was using Cairngorm 2 which was the 'original' I think (I don't 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any Cairngorm 1, but presumably there was a Cairngorm 1 before 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2) . I'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> take a look at those version 3 examples as well, but in terms of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'porting'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think the main use will probably be Cairngorm 2 -> Crux. It 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still might
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be viable to port the Cairngorm 2 code itself to Royale, I think 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I only saw
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something that would need to be resolved with the view 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> processing part,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but I don't know about the Adobe licence for that (it is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> permissive, but I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't know offhand whether it is compatible for Apache).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2019 at 7:11 PM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *From: *Greg Dove <greg.d...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users@royale.apache.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Date: *Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 10:22 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject: *Re: Cairngorm to Crux
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Snip…
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will try to make another example (maybe the github viewer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> again) in royale examples using MXRoyale instead of Jewel/Basic 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coming days.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Greg
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It would be interesting to find out how many changes to this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example are needed to get it to run in Royale
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://swizframework.jira.com/wiki/spaces/SWIZ/pages/1999155/Quick+Start
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fswizframework.jira.com%2Fwiki%2Fspaces%2FSWIZ%2Fpages%2F1999155%2FQuick%2BStart&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C16584df9b54f4aec3c6b08d75d310608%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637080337450723727&sdata=F7LuD8HU62Oj5F7FcWO4TrLsBMUnWEhS7mL2VOrhpH4%3D&reserved=0>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Same for some of the Cairngorm examples:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/adobe/cairngorm/code/HEAD/tree/cairngorm3/trunk/samples/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fadobe%2Fcairngorm%2Fcode%2FHEAD%2Ftree%2Fcairngorm3%2Ftrunk%2Fsamples%2F&data=02%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7C16584df9b54f4aec3c6b08d75d310608%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637080337450723727&sdata=%2Fi0YFVVCiT1Cq1ioD0Q4KH4Jf08p3f2iaDS9BBQMqCg%3D&reserved=0>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just an idea…
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shoichiro Takeshita
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 武下 祥一郎
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shoichiro Takeshita
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 武下 祥一郎
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Shoichiro Takeshita
>>>>>>>>>> 武下 祥一郎
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Shoichiro Takeshita
>>>>>>>> 武下 祥一郎
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Shoichiro Takeshita
>>>>>> 武下 祥一郎
>>>>> --
>>>>> Shoichiro Takeshita
>>>>> 武下 祥一郎
>>> --
>>> Shoichiro Takeshita
>>> 武下 祥一郎
>> --
>> Shoichiro Takeshita
>> 武下 祥一郎
> --
> Piotr Zarzycki
> Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki
> <https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki>*

Shoichiro Takeshita
武下 祥一郎

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