Hello Royale Community,

We are pleased to announce that Moonshine IDE 2.5.0 has been released!

You can download it from our website http://moonshine-ide.com/. Moonshine
for Mac is available only as a Non-sandbox version at this moment, we are
working on having it also in the App store.

Report any bugs or feature requests on our GitHub project:

Take a look into CHANGELOG: https://bit.ly/2XI78EM

Moonshine 2.5.0 adds some small features which improve development
workflow, including the Outline View and Go To Implementation for

Additionally, Moonshine SDK Installer will now download Apache Royale 0.9.6
(JS-only version) and apply a patch fix for the broken royale-config.xml.
More information can be found in the this [1] discussion on the Royale
development mailing list.



Piotr Zarzycki

Patreon: *https://www.patreon.com/piotrzarzycki

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