Alıntı Serkan Taş <>:

Hi Alex,

TextConverter :

It is working without any excepiton, but still can not show the text in TextArea.

Going to try to find-out why...


27.11.2019 08:57 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:
By deferring the initialization of _descriptors until it is actually needed, the code allows FormatDescriptor to get loaded. If the initialization code that needs FormatDescriptor runs too soon, then FormatDescriptor won't have been loaded yet.

At least, that's the theory,

On 11/26/19, 9:50 PM, "" <> wrote:

    Hi Alex,
Sorry for inconvenience. I was just sent it before leaving home in the
    morning. I am going to send you the real code and check your sample
    later today.
         But I did not understand the what should I do for FormatDescriptor.
         Is there a workaround ?

Serkan Taş
Mobil : +90 532 250 07 71
Likya Bilgi Teknolojileri
ve İletişim Hiz. Ltd. Şti.

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