Alex, I run Ant on Windows 10 as well as on Mac.  The same result.  Before
running Ant, do I need set up something?
P.S. I also run under 0.97.  The same.

takeshitashouichirounoMacBook-Pro:tourdeflexmodules taksho$ ant

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -module-output=/
    [mxmlc] -js-compiler-option=--variable_map_output_file
    [mxmlc] -js-compiler-option+=--property_map_output_file
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.1
    [mxmlc] +env.AIR_HOME=${env.AIR_HOME}
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] 12 11, 2019 8:26:51 午後 println
    [mxmlc] 警告:
WARNING - Invalid flags to RegExp constructor: STRING gs 124 [length: 4]
: string
    [mxmlc]   var /** @type {RegExp} */ r = new RegExp("\r\n", "gs");
    [mxmlc]                                                    ^^^^
    [mxmlc] 12 11, 2019 8:26:51 午後 println
    [mxmlc] 警告:
WARNING - Parse error. extra visibility tag
    [mxmlc]   * @private
    [mxmlc]     ^
    [mxmlc] 12 11, 2019 8:26:51 午後 println
    [mxmlc] 警告: externs/dialogPolyfill.js:19: WARNING - accessing name
dialogPolyfill in externs has no effect. Perhaps you forgot to add a var
    [mxmlc] dialogPolyfill = function() {
    [mxmlc] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [mxmlc] 12 11, 2019 8:26:51 午後 println
    [mxmlc] 警告: externs/dialogPolyfill.js:19: WARNING - variable
dialogPolyfill is undeclared
    [mxmlc] dialogPolyfill = function() {
    [mxmlc] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [mxmlc] 12 11, 2019 8:26:51 午後 println
    [mxmlc] 警告: externs/dialogPolyfill.js:27: WARNING - name dialogPolyfill
is not defined in the externs.
    [mxmlc] dialogPolyfill.registerDialog = function(dialog) {
    [mxmlc] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    [mxmlc] 12 11, 2019 8:26:51 午後 printSummary
    [mxmlc] 警告: 0 error(s), 5 warning(s), 98.4% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'explorer' has been successfully compiled and
    [mxmlc] 29.522854301 seconds
    [mxmlc] 警告 :
col: 3 警告 : public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
getter/setter instead.
    [mxmlc] public var app:String;
    [mxmlc] ^
col: 9 警告 : public var may not work in minified JS output.  Use
getter/setter instead.
    [mxmlc]         public var src:String;
    [mxmlc]         ^
    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -module-output=/
    [mxmlc] -js-compiler-option=--variable_map_input_file
    [mxmlc] -js-compiler-option+=--property_map_input_file
    [mxmlc] -js-compiler-option+=--externs
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.1
    [mxmlc] +env.AIR_HOME=${env.AIR_HOME}
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] 0.759611828 seconds
    [mxmlc] command line エラー :

The following error occurred while executing this line:
mxmlc task failed.

Total time: 31 seconds
takeshitashouichirounoMacBook-Pro:tourdeflexmodules taksho$

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 2:09 AM Alex Harui <> wrote:

> HI T-San,
> Not every source file in TDF will compile.  That’s why there is an Ant
> build script to only compile the ones that are currently working.  If you
> are not using Ant to build, you will need to find a way to subset which
> files are compiled.
> Thanks,
> -Alex
> *From: *Takeshita Shoichiro <>
> *Reply-To: *"" <>
> *Date: *Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 5:33 AM
> *To: *Carlos Rovira <>
> *Cc: *"" <>
> *Subject: *Re: How to compile tourdeflexmodules
> Carlos, I have problems with compiling Tour de Flex one by one.  Many of
> mxml files returned with errors.  I do not know what is wrong at moment.
> So, running mvn clean install will be after solving major problems.
>  I would think Data Binding is not working well.  I cannot compile
> ComboBoxExample.mxml or DropdownExample.mxml.
> And skinClass="skins.GradientBackgroundAppSkin"
> is not working for me.
> (examples\mxroyale\tourdeflexmodules\src\spark\skinning)
> ST
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 6:59 PM Carlos Rovira <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> just to add. When I worked on Jewel Modules [1] I need to add Maven
> support for it, creating a proper maven layout for projects and ensuring I
> can make a mvn clean install that compile the app and the  module.
> @Takeshita Shoichiro <>  you can check how I did it and
> try to improve Tour de Flex maven build to make a module be compiled in the
> same way, then propagate to the rest.
> If you do this, I think it will be of great help for all while will let
> you learn more about it in the process.
> Let me know what you think
> Thanks!
> Carlos
> [1]
> <>
> El mar., 10 dic. 2019 a las 5:57, Alex Harui (<>)
> escribió:
> I’m sure the Moonshine folks would be interested what errors you are
> getting, if any.
> -Alex
> *From: *Mandeep Sarma <>
> *Reply-To: *"" <>
> *Date: *Monday, December 9, 2019 at 8:01 PM
> *To: *"" <>
> *Subject: *Re: How to compile tourdeflexmodules
> to add my 2 cents, but hopefully not add more confusion... until about 2/3
> weeks ago was able to compile Tourdejewel and Royalstore examples
> repeatedly , I believe I was using SDK 0.9.6 with Moonshine nightly build.
> I recall I had to rename the slider to hslider, so it was a recent SDK. The
> examples worked almost 100% after I was able to change the custom URLs to
> http URLs. It only stopped working for me when I selected to install all
> extra software because in the "about moonshine" tab it showed none of the
> software was installed even though I knew it was wrong. I wonder what the
> install could have change to prevent the examples from compiling
> successfully again.
> Mandeep
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2019 at 8:29 AM Takeshita Shoichiro <>
> wrote:
> When running mvn clean install at Examples, mxml files in the
> \royale-asjs\examples\mxroyale\tourdeflexmodules directory are not
> compiled.
> How can I do that?
> I also have an error when opening ComboBoxExample.mxml in VS Code.
> <s:Module xmlns:fx="
> <>
> "
>                xmlns:s="library://
> <>
> "
>                xmlns:mx="library://
> <>
> "
>                width="100%" height="100%">
> This tag (<s:Module) is not resolved to ActionScript class.  what's wrong?
> Shoichiro Takeshita
> --
> Carlos Rovira
> <>
> --
> Shoichiro Takeshita
> 武下 祥一郎

Shoichiro Takeshita
武下 祥一郎

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