Hi Takeshita,

I did this website a while ago it's done with Apache Royale MDL module [1].
Apart of that we are in process on migrating large Flex app to Royale. It's
public [2] - you have to register to login, but it's free. - App is using
Jewel module.

[1] http://transpiledactionscript.com/
[2] https://x.prominic.net/MyAccount


czw., 30 sty 2020 o 14:39 Takeshita Shoichiro <jl03...@gmail.com>

> Are there any public web sites using Royale?
> And these sites are preferred to use MX/Spark emulation.
> The purpose is to demonstrate the Royale capabilities for migrating
> existing Flex Web applications.
> Thanks.
> --
> Shoichiro Takeshita
> 武下 祥一郎


Piotr Zarzycki

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