Hi Brian,

El jue., 20 feb. 2020 a las 23:09, Brian Raymes (<brian.ray...@teotech.com>)

> Hi Carlos,
> As for the CSS files, I was experimenting with how I may approach
> customizing themes based off of branding colors for various projects.
> Would it be better for me to look at the SASS files for theme
> customization? They are new to me.

I recommend to use SASS if you want a similar approach to code styles as to
code with AS3. You get more organization, structure and error notified.
Code CSS can soon be a nightmare if you don't plan, the same as it happens
with your App logic and views.
If you are doing something very small, then you can go with just CSS, since
there will be a small number of lines and code involved.

> Also, would it be better for me to use Maven to build the
> compiler/framework instead of Ant for the time being?

I always recommend Maven over ANT for the same reason I recommend AS3/MXML
over plain JS, or SASS over CSS, is a matter of reliability. If you work
with ANT, then
you lose the dependency management of the libraries used, and if you use a
CI, maven is suited for build better on CI servers, so building with maven
makes you more safe about the compiled version you get in local is the same
to what you get in the server.

> I look forward to any updates related to DataGrids as they are used quite
> extensively in the Flex 3 application we are looking to migrate to Jewel.

Hope to reach soon to the issues you reported. In the meanwhile, to avoid
this problems stops you, I can recommend you to use a List with an item
renderer that allows you to at least develop other things that depend on
the data showed. So when DG issues are solved, you just need to change List
for DataGrid.


> Thank you,
> Brian
> *From:* Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 19, 2020 2:57 PM
> *To:* users@royale.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: Jewel DataGrid Column Sizing
> Hi Brian,
> ok, I was able to repro some of the issues thanks to your test project.
> I think one issue could be that updated CSS with latest changes are only
> build from SASS files with Maven. Since you're using just ANT, you could
> eventually not have the latest updated CSS
> each time I make changes to themes I try to compile and commit all changes
> to avoid that to be a problem. So although this could not be an issue, I
> think is
> good you take into account to know how it works.
> Other thing is I just commit few minutes ago a fix for "sameWidths", I did
> one this morning, but was still having issues. So right now empty data
> providers must generate Datagrids right with
> columns and header aligned with the right widths and white. That should
> fix "columns are misaligned and/or not to the size set in the code"
> About your question: "shouldn’t the DataGrid behave like an Excel
> spreadsheet? Show all rows/columns as empty regardless of data"
> Sorry, but don't think so. The actual setup of empty lists that fills all
> the space and shows vertical lines but not horizontal lines is the way it
> works, since showing horizontal lines would imply
> creating empty dummy rows. I don't have that as a feature, but you can
> create it yourself as a bead and even create a PR so I can check it and add
> to Royale so others interested can use it
> and even add that to an example in TDJ.
> I could reproduce the rest of problems that make columns shrink when load
> data from a button or clear data, I'll try to solve it as soon as I finish
> other thing I have on the plate right now and hope to have a fix tomorrow.
> Finally, I see you have CSS files linked that mostly copy jewel themes.
> Why just not link the themes from Royale to get the updates? (unless you
> are doing changes to the themes to do your own)
> Thanks
> --
> Carlos Rovira
> http://about.me/carlosrovira


Carlos Rovira

Presidente Ejecutivo

M: +34 607 22 60 05


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