Try adding config: flex compiler option. If you’re using VSCode to compile your 
app you can do this by adding the following line at the top level:

    "config": "flex"

From: Sohail Abdul Khaliq<>
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Need Migration Help

Thanks alot for the quick reply
please see attached image of the code.Im using fx script and not having any 
issue inside mxml file.The issue am facing in within .as file

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 1:51 PM Alina Kazi 
<<>> wrote:
We have successfully ported our large application(more than 1000 mxml and as 
files) from Flex to Royale.
It is a step by step process. It will take some time. Most of the APIs are 
available in Royale as Flex. Mx and spark components are available only 
namespaces needs to be change.
As Royale is flash independent technology, most of the alternatives are created 
in Apache royale technology to make flash components work with the alternative 
option in Apache Royale.
Whenever you got stuck somewhere ask for help immediately. Everyone here is to 
help you.

Alina Kazi

On Thu, 25 Jun 2020, 9:35 am Sohail Abdul Khaliq, 
<<>> wrote:
i have a large scale Application in Flex and i now want to migrate from Flex to 
Apache Royale.I have zero experience in Apache Royale, in fact i just heard 
about it few days ago. I need help in migration i already read the 
documentation of apache Royale but im still having difficulty converting my 
existing view controller and models as per apache royale standards.

Attached are the three screen shots from my Login screen developed in flex.
How much time its going to take to complete the migration process for a project 
contains 500+ files?

what approach should i use? just replace the flash imports with  royale imports 
and everything will fall into place? or should i go with one file at a time

Sohail Abdul Khaliq
Bee Technica,

Sohail Abdul Khaliq
Bee Technica,

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