Hi Carlos,

App looks ace! Congrats! :)

Maybe you could expose that PDF lib to external repository - it would be
awesome :)


wt., 21 lip 2020 o 20:26 Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org> napisał(a):

> Hi folks,
> I'm happy to announce a mini app I was working last month for our Avant2
> website at Codeoscopic.
> It's a widget app that is embedded in our Wordpress based website. The
> purpose was to upgrade the old visualization we had, since our Avant2
> product integrates lots of insurance products from many insurance
> companies. So the old one was very bloated and cumbersome since it was just
> composed of static galleries with images of company logos.
> The new Royale version shows 3 views: One for products, that shows all
> companies that have that product available in the tool. One for companies,
> that shows all products available for them. And finally a grid or table
> visualization with products on X axis and companies on Y axis. There are
> some particularities about complementary products and more, but I don't
> think it is interesting for you :).
> This was even posted in our Companies social networks. To show some:
> https://twitter.com/Avant2Multi/status/1285511117712826369?s=20
> https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6691276788431130625
> Technically: I added some CPT (Custom Post Types) to our Wordpress backend
> to create the data structures and its relations. Since we integrate more
> products and companies each month, people in our staff need to add it vía
> WP admin console to make it easy for them. Then this data is exported via
> JSON WP Rest API and the Royale widget consumes it vía mx:HTTPService.
> The widget uses Jewel as UI set (of course ;)), with some theme
> customization to make it close to avant2 website look and feel. I use Crux
> as well to handle event handling, IoC, and service (HTTPService)
> integration.
> The widget shows the new Responsive additions I added lately, so if you
> access via Mobile, you should see how size for images and fonts decrease to
> make all fit nicely in your mobile device. Then for Tablet and Desktop
> images and fonts increase size to get the correct size.
> More things! I added a new "extern" library called "royale-html2pdf" that
> uses the html2pdf js library and exposes it to Royale. The library is used
> to print the table of products in a PDF on the fly directly from the
> dynamically generated HTML. This was particularly challenging due to all
> the security things browsers do today to protect content. So getting the
> images to show in PDF was a bit challenging even with that library in
> place. I had to try many, many things to get it finally work.
> Another thing worth mentioning is the use of "iFrameResizer", that makes
> the widget behave as if it's part of the page. I started applying scrolls
> to lists and table components inside the widget app, but that was not the
> best experience. The problem with iframes is that it is difficult to make
> it adapt to the host page as height changes, but this JS script does all
> the magic. So you can see how as you change views in the app, you never get
> scrollbars inside the iframe, and the rest of the page adapts correctly.
> The scrollbars are always in the host page. So the experience is more
> "natural" and the iframe is sized to the app content :).
> You can check this app live here: https://avant2.es/productos-y-companias/
> Also I want the source code be available to all that wants to check it and
> learn from it: https://github.com/codeoscopic/avant2-website
> Finally I added the "Powered by" Royale logo at the end of the app, so
> people can know that was done with our beloved Royale and is in an official
> company's website.  ;-)
> Also hope to add it to the Royale Showcase Page this summer (and will ask
> you for the info required to add more apps of course, along our TodoMVC,
> TDJ, and more!).
> I still need to continue improving it with some things in the following
> days, since I detected some issues and as well I think others can be
> improved. For example I want to add BrowserRouter to it since I
> think it will be a very good example for it and will complete the example
> event better.
> Anyway, today we decided to publish it, since it is in a sufficient good
> state now.
> Hope you like it! :)
> --
> Carlos Rovira
> http://about.me/carlosrovira


Piotr Zarzycki

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