Hi all,

I hope this is the right place to post.  I have used Flex 3 and BlazeDS 
extensively and would like to learn Royal, I am having a few issues following 
the tutorial, I am using 0.9.7 with Moonshine as the IDE:


Issues I have found:
I think the code here:


needs to be updated as it refers to commitService.source instead of 
on the same page the url value should be:

 commitsService.url = "https://api.github.com/repos/"; + repos[currentIndex] + 

On this page:

the mxml says the datagrid should be within a <js:VView> tag, this gives me a 
compiler error, I changed it to js:View but this makes all the components sit 
on top of each other.

My problems start when trying run the app from Moonshine, the first time it 
opens correctly but fails to load any data and shows no error on the console 
(using Chrome). The second time I compile I Moonshine says the HTTP server is 
already running and I have to manually kill the Node server.

Any tips for moving forward??

Thank you


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