The way you communicate between iframes and their parent windows in Javascript 
is by using postMessage.[1]

We don’t have any code which wraps that, but there’s no reason why you can’t 
use the postMessage APIs directly. You’d do something like this:
window.parent["postMessage"]("foobaz", '*');

or to send a message to the iframe:


To use the message you need to add an event listener to the window that the 
message is posted to. Messages must be content which can be serialized. You can 
also optionally pass a Transferable[2], but I never have actually tried that.



> On Feb 22, 2021, at 3:39 AM, Bilbosax <> wrote:
> I have come to the final part of my app development that I have feared the
> most.  I will have a lot of questions about this because I am so in the
> dark, so here it goes.
> I need a Google Map in my Royale project.  In Flex, this was done with an
> ANE or in the older days with StageWebView.  You create an HTML document
> that contains the structure for the map as well as the Javascript functions
> that can add or delete markers, add or delete info windows, center the map,
> etc.  The HTML file is then set as the url for the stagewebview, and you
> have yourself a map.  A simple HTML version looks like this:
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html>
>  <head>
>    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0">
>    <meta charset="utf-8">
>  </head>
>  <body>
>    <div id="map"></div>
>  </body>
> </html>
> The challenge was communicating between the javascript in the StageWebView,
> and the actionscript in Flex.  To talk with the javascript, you would simply
> invoke the javascript protocol in your url, and it would call the function
> after the word "javascript:" like this:
> webView.loadUrl("javascript:addMarker('39.0679459','-86.148456','$350,000')");
> Talking to Actionscript from Javascript was a little tricker.  StageWebView
> throws an event called "locationChanging", so you could basically change the
> location in javascript and throw in a string containing your information to
> parse out and call your function in actionscript.  So in javascript, you
> would have:
> function sendLatLng() {
>    location.href = "?lat=" + lat  +"&lng=" + lng;
> }
> and you would catch it in actionscript like this:
> webView.addEventListener(LocationChangeEvent.LOCATION_CHANGING,
> locationChanging);
> function locationChanging(e:LocationChangeEvent):void {
>    e.preventDefault();
>    var query:String = e.location.split("?")[1];
>    var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables(query);
>    trace(, var.lng);
> }
> So I have run into a wall using the two components available in Royale to
> make a similar setup, WebBrowser and IFrame.  Both are great, but only seem
> to allow one way communication.  WebBrowser has a "locactionChange" event,
> so I can use it to talk to actionscript the way that I was doing with
> StageWebView, but adding "javascript" to the front of the url property does
> not allow actionscript to call javascript functions.
> IFrame on the otherhand does allow you to add "javascript" to the front of
> the src property, so you can call javascript functions from actionscript,
> but it does not have a "locationChange" event, so I can't send strings from
> javascript to actionscript.
> So I'm stuck.  One component allows me to talk from actionscript to
> javascript, and the other from javascript to actionscript.  But neither does
> both.  I'm kinda amateurish at creating my own classes, but I've tried to
> wrap my head around trying to use @Externs, but the HTML file has to exist
> inside of a webview or iframe component, so I feel trapped within the walls
> of those constructs to get information into or out of those components.
> Am I missing something obvious?  Is there any way that "locationChange"
> could easily be added to the IFrame component, or adding the "javascript:"
> protocol to the url property of the WebBrowser?
> --
> Sent from:

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