I set them in the "initialize" but come on ...
Did it already work for you? Do you still have the error?


De: David Slotemaker de Bruine <dslotema...@vicensvives.com>
Enviado el: miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2021 13:39
Para: users@royale.apache.org
Asunto: Re: Register Class error

Never too late with help! :)

Yes I have the Bead in Application.mxml along with the call in the 
ApplicationComplete event handler:

import org.apache.royale.collections.ArrayList;

private function onApplicationComplete(event:Event):void {

registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.io.ArrayCollection", ArrayList);

Thats correct isn't it? Thats How I have it in other projects.


On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 at 12:33, Maria Jose Esteve 
<mjest...@iest.com<mailto:mjest...@iest.com>> wrote:
Hello, ... I don't know if I'm late ...
Do you have the bead "<js: ClassAliasBead />" included?

-----Mensaje original-----
De: David Slotemaker de Bruine 
Enviado el: lunes, 8 de marzo de 2021 14:13
Para: users@royale.apache.org<mailto:users@royale.apache.org>
Asunto: Register Class error

Hi All,

I am trying to register the Array class with

registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.io.ArrayCollection", ArrayList);

But I am getting:

Error: Call to a possibly undefined method registerClassAlias.
registerClassAlias("flex.messaging.io.ArrayCollection", ArrayList);

I have it working in other projects just fine.

The compiler options are:

+configname=flex   -js-library-path+=${royalelib}/js/libs/MXRoyaleJS.swc

Any ideas?



David Slotemaker de Bruïne
Head of Educational Robotics


Av. Sarriá, 130 - 08017 

T. +34 932 523 729 ext. 135


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