Look at the list @users@royale.apache.org<mailto:users@royale.apache.org> 
[1]!!!! I have advanced "a little" 😝


De: waspenc...@comcast.net <waspenc...@comcast.net>
Enviado el: viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021 20:09
Para: Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com>
Asunto: RE: Converts TypeScript definitions into Closure Compiler externs

Well, I know that I am probably making light of a very complex situation, but 
if you don't have to specifically convert it to actionscript but just need to 
convert it to Closure, I would think that your path would be very much more 
defined.  I think you would just need to use one of the many tools you pointed 
and try to convert the TypeScript.  Keep reading, stay determined, and don't be 
afraid to write directly to those developers and to ask for guidance if you are 
struggling with their tools.

Wishing you the best on your journey,

On 03/26/2021 12:42 PM Maria Jose Esteve 
<mjest...@iest.com<mailto:mjest...@iest.com>> wrote:

Thanks for answering me Bill.
The truth is that I like the project because of how useful it would be for us 
to continue with Royale ...
I'm like you, all of this is new to me and there are “so many things” that it 
is very difficult for me 😝

As you say, we don't need to translate it to actionscript, apparently, if we 
can translate it to Closure, our royale-compiler would be able to integrate and 
translate it (or so Yishai told me)

Well, I'm going to continue reading to see if I get something ...
Thanks Bill.


De: waspenc...@comcast.net<mailto:waspenc...@comcast.net> 
Enviado el: viernes, 26 de marzo de 2021 15:16
Para: Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com<mailto:mjest...@iest.com>>
Asunto: Re: Converts TypeScript definitions into Closure Compiler externs

Hi Maria.  I wish I could help you with this, I truly do, I think you are on a 
path that would do great things for Royale.  Sadly, this is all just way above 
my skill level and understanding of how things work in web design.  I am 
willing to help, but I don't think I am able enough for this level.

Have you tried to talk directly to any of these developers you referenced to 
ask them for any insights?  I know that the name of the guy who wrote the 
dts2hx is George Corney (goes by axiomic).  Perhaps you could write to him 
directly on his github page and get some direction?

I understand that you are working with TypeScript and that you are trying to 
convert type defs, but do these have to be translated directly to actionscript 
or does it just need to be translated to something that the Google compiler 
recognizes?  If the latter is the case, it seems that there are a lot of tools 
available.  But if it needs to be converted to actionscript, your options 
become smaller I would guess.

I wish you the best of luck.  Let me know if there are smaller things I could 
help with, but my program knowledge is fairly limited to Actionscript/Flex, 
PHP, and SQL.


On 03/26/2021 5:24 AM Maria Jose Esteve 
<mjest...@iest.com<mailto:mjest...@iest.com>> wrote:

Hi guys,
I wanted to ask you about your knowledge in TypeScript and Closure ... I'm 
overwhelmed ...
I'm trying to translate @ type / echarts (typescript) library in Closure 
Compiler externs so that I can compile it directly with royale-compiler and use 
it directly in actionscript.
The truth is that this is beyond me because I have never worked in this 
environment and everything is new.

If I could mount a stable process it would be a great advance with Royale 
because we could include JS libraries to be used directly in our projects.
I'm looking at ts-to-goog [1] and this one uses tsckle [2] which in turn uses 
bazel [3] and tscc [4], I AM LOST !!!!
Another transformation utility, similar to ts-to-goog (angular) is dts2hx 
(haxe) [5]. I have not looked at it but I imagine it will be similar ...

Could either of you help me understand and make the transformation?

[2] https://github.com/angular/tsickle
[3] https://bazel.build/
[4] https://github.com/theseanl/tscc



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