
In an app, I am working on. I am using rpc based end points to access my
back end. On my development machine I use localhost. I intend to start
deploying the the app to a test server for testing. I realise that each
time, I do a deployment to the test server, I have to remember to switch
from local host to the ip address of the test server. I do this via the
beans.mxml configuration files. (I am using crux). Sometimes I forget to do
this,  so I have to redeploy again.

My question is, is there a better way to configure my rpc end points such
that I don't have to be changing ip addresses of the rpc end points in the
beans.mxml file ?

Once testing is done, the app will be moved to production, again, ip
addresses will change.

What is the best practice for configuring rpc end points in royale ?

Is there a way to store deployment environments specific configurations  ?


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