
I and Maria have developed some external js libraries.
One of them is InspireTree which we are currently working on.
I have pasted the image link below to see how functional it is:
InspireTree is a strong JS library and we have created multiple beads to
make it as dynamic as it can be. Multiple types of trees can be created
with this InspireTree customized library and the behaviour would also be
dynamic based on the type of the tree.

I need Vote to add a library to Royale SDK containing external JS

A new project on path royale-asjs\frameworks\projects named as some
JSExternsRoyale or JSExtern or any suitable name.
We have some ready to use external js
libraries(Royale-echarts,Virtual-Select,jsCalendar..) that we will
contribute to the SDK and others can contribute other ExternalJS ready to
use in the SDK.
This would be very useful for new users and existing users of Apache Royale.

Please Vote.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Alina Kazi

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