I can confirm that classes are being renamed in both files.

I have attempted your suggestion i.e. removing variable maps and property
maps then use

I get the below error

command line Error: configuration variable 'externs-report' expected 1
argument(s), got 0.

I cannot find any documentation on how to use the -externs-report argument.
What does it do ? and what are the acceptable values ?


On Sun, Jan 2, 2022 at 9:06 AM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

> Hi Roman,
> It might be more complicated.  The settings are probably doing something
> since you reported that the error occurred in the app vs the module
> depending on the settings.
> I went back and looked at the original module example in
> examples/royale/ModuleExample and was surprised there weren’t more compiler
> settings.  I thought we’d found a way to externalize the main app’s code
> for the module.  Because if both the app and module have a copy of
> SimpleCSSValuesImpl or any other class that both JS files use, there could
> be issues as to which one gets loaded (maybe both) and what export aliases
> are pointing to.  Sounds like changing settings affected whether the
> aliases pointed at module code vs app code.
> I thought we were using similar settings to what we used for SWF where the
> module would not contain a copy of SimpleCSSValuesImpl so it would use the
> one loaded by the main app, but I didn’t see those settings.  We might need
> to make that work because otherwise I think static initializations won’t do
> the right thing.  Or maybe we’ve figured out that it is simpler just to
> write defensive code that doesn’t get broken.  But also, if the module has
> its own copy of code already loaded by the main app, that’s sort of a waste
> of bytes.  Maybe there was a minification issue with not having the module
> link in classes already linked into the main app.  I see an -externs-report
> option in the compiler but the example doesn’t seem to use it.
> You should be able to scan the JS files and see if a class is in both
> module and app and if it is getting renamed.
> I don’t know if I will have time to investigate further.  The currently
> recommended options for modules involving variable maps and property maps
> may need to be abandoned in favor of externs and preventing renames.
> -Alex
> *From: *Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Date: *Saturday, January 1, 2022 at 3:02 AM
> *To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Subject: *Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> Alex, thank you for your detailed analysis of the error log.
> I agree with you that the best strategy is to prevent renaming of
> public/exports used by the module. I have tried different options to
> prevent renaming
> It appears none of them stops this. From my observation, it appears that
> this default options below
> -export-public-symbols=true;-prevent-rename-public-symbols=true;-prevent-rename-public-instance-accessors=true;
> Only seem to affect the main application (main module) but have no effect
> on the other modules even though I ensured they were applied in
> their respective module pom. I came to this conclusion when I decided to
> turn set -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
> I noticed that I got the same error but this time around in the main
> module.
> Uncaught TypeError: this.rb[(intermediate value).Kd(...)] is not a function
>     at HN.iI.send (FrontEnd.js:970)
>     at nI.EH.Ea (FrontEnd.js:880)
>     at ON.q6 (FrontEnd.js:1815)
>     at TN.L2 (FrontEnd.js:2034)
>     at hF.Xf (FrontEnd.js:2063)
>     at lF.kb (FrontEnd.js:1233)
>     at lF.Vf (FrontEnd.js:1224)
>     at cF.O (FrontEnd.js:659)
>     at cF.M.w (FrontEnd.js:661)
>     at gQ.mA.M (FrontEnd.js:241)
> FrontEnd.js maps to FrontEnd.as in my application and is the entry point
> of the application. This confirms that -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
> has
> an effect on the main module but no effect on other modules even though
> they were applied in the respective module pom's.
> Maybe there are other options I am overlooking.
> On Sat, Jan 1, 2022 at 9:31 AM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
> In case it helps, the minification (variable renaming) mechanism is
> essentially guaranteed to cause problems in modules.  The Closure Compiler
> basically takes variables, sees if it is worth renaming it, then gives it
> the name ‘a’, then ‘b’, and so-on, (it skips a few letters, IIRC), then
> moves on to ‘aa’, and ‘ab’, etc.  The odds that the compiler will encounter
> the same variables in the same order when compiling an app and one or more
> modules is close to zero.
> I did some work to try to dump the mapping of the renamed variables in the
> main app and use that when compiling the modules.  It was working for a
> while, then some code was added to the framework that started fooling the
> Closure Compiler.  I spent some time trying to fix the Closure Compiler,
> but ran out of time.  Meanwhile, Josh was adding more control over renaming
> so I moved on to other things.
> IMO, the best strategy to take would be to try to control what gets
> renamed.  All public/exports from the app that are used by the module
> should not be renamed.  That will definitely make the app and modules
> bigger, but unless the Closure Compiler folks become interested in
> runtime-loaded modules, it is challenging for the Royale compiler to allow
> aggressive renaming.
> I think what is going on with the exceptions below is that exporting
> doesn’t really prevent renaming.  It only sets up an externally-visible
> alias to a renamed variable.  Especially for static members.  So it isn’t
> sufficient to export public variables, the code within the module must not
> let the Closure Compiler think that the intra-module references can be
> renamed, in this case, from SimpleCSSValuesImpl to QI
> I don’t know the renaming options we’ve added to the Royale Compiler, so I
> don’t know if there is an option to control that.  I think there is a way
> to convince the Closure Compiler to not rename SimpleCSSValuesImpl because
> I’ve seen other class names not get renamed.
> HTH,
> -Alex
> *From: *Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> *Reply-To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Date: *Friday, December 31, 2021 at 10:42 AM
> *To: *"users@royale.apache.org" <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Subject: *Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> I have tested on both. The error log is the same.
> I don't understand your second question. Kindly clarify ?
> I followed strictly the approach used for loading modules here in this
> example.
> This is the only method I know for loading modules. If there is another
> method please share.
> https://royale.apache.org/dividing-an-apache-royale-application-with-modules/
> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Froyale.apache.org%2Fdividing-an-apache-royale-application-with-modules%2F&data=04%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cbb4c911ab5664808355908d9cd1630b7%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637766317469204767%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=gHQ7%2FCyT%2FRTRqbf7fE7MonqFK8QHhWMC5KbOuly2DcI%3D&reserved=0>
> On Fri, 31 Dec 2021, 19:14 Maria Jose Esteve, <mjest...@iest.com> wrote:
> @Roman, which branch did you compile the SDK from, ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO
> or develop?
> Could you pass the Overview.mxml view to the main application? (to rule
> it out)
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> *Enviado el:* viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2021 17:56
> *Para:* users@royale.apache.org
> *Asunto:* Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> I have tried tracing where the errors are happening whenever I test the
> release version
> Uncaught TypeError: Ql.valuesImpl.init is not a function
>     at Hr.Cr.um (Overview.js:846)
>     at Function.ep.generateMXMLProperties (Overview.js:795)
>     at Hr.Sp.generateMXMLAttributes (Overview.js:599)
>     at new Hr (Overview.js:864)
>     at PN.M.loadHandler (FrontEnd.js:2042)
> 9Overview.js:173 Uncaught TypeError: this.createElement is not a function
>     at $B.V (Overview.js:173)
>     at new $B (FrontEnd.js:2430)
>     at EP.convert (FrontEnd.js:2430)
>     at Zy (FrontEnd.js:261)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.Uy (FrontEnd.js:121)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.Sy.b (FrontEnd.js:117)
> The highlighted code in red is declared as follows in the Overview.mxml
> (maven module)
> <j:valuesImpl>
>         <js:SimpleCSSValuesImpl/>
>     </j:valuesImpl>
> The j:valuesImpl points to the following code in jewel Module.js
> /**
>  * @nocollapse
>  * @export
>  * @type {org.apache.royale.core.IValuesImpl}
>  */
> org.apache.royale.jewel.Module.prototype.valuesImpl;
> org.apache.royale.jewel.Module.prototype.set__valuesImpl = function(value)
> {
>   org.apache.royale.core.ValuesManager.valuesImpl.init(this);
> };
> it appears this function is improperly renamed and whenever the app tries
> to load the module is not able to recognise it as a function.
> The same issue of improper function renaming is happening in the second
> error as well
> 9Overview.js:173 Uncaught TypeError: this.createElement is not a function
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 10:42 PM Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I have applied the js compiler option as follows
> <additionalCompilerOptions>-source-map=false;-compiler.show-binding-warnings=false;-js-default-initializers=true;-js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
>             -js-compiler-option=--variable_map_output_file
> gccvars.txt;-js-compiler-option+=--property_map_output_file gccprops.txt
>           </additionalCompilerOptions>
> I get the same error as before when attempting to launch the jewel module.
> *Error! Filename not specified.*
> Same error trace.
> Uncaught TypeError: cm.valuesImpl.init is not a function
>     at Rr.Mr.yl (Overview.js:786)
>     at Function.iq.generateMXMLProperties (Overview.js:736)
>     at Rr.hq.generateMXMLAttributes (Overview.js:546)
>     at new Rr (Overview.js:804)
>     at LN.J.loadHandler (FrontEnd.js:1967)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at oM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1640)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at oM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1640)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at oM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1640)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at oM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1640)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at oM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1640)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at oM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1640)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1640 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at oM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1640)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> 3Overview.js:56 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined
> (reading 'prototype')
>     at P (Overview.js:56)
>     at SG.convert (FrontEnd.js:904)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:248)
>     at HTMLElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 6:56 PM Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. I’d get rid of the agressive minification options. It will likely cause
> issues. If you get it to work without those options, you can try to add
> them back in and see if it still works.
> 2. You seem to be missing the compiler options explained here:
> https://apache.github.io/royale-docs/features/modules#minification
> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapache.github.io%2Froyale-docs%2Ffeatures%2Fmodules%23minification&data=04%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cbb4c911ab5664808355908d9cd1630b7%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637766317469204767%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=%2BbYUFfqzb4QzEkFBJp9fi0e%2FeYx7IqvtItN4slKbK38%3D&reserved=0>
> For a pom, it would look something like this (adjust your paths to match
> your setup):
> Main app:
> <additionalCompilerOptions>-source-map=true;-js-compiler-option=--variable_map_output_file
> gccvars.txt;-js-compiler-option+=--property_map_output_file
> gccprops.txt</additionalCompilerOptions>
> Module:
> <additionalCompilerOptions>-source-map=true;-js-compiler-option=--variable_map_input_file
> ../../../../../MainApp/bin/js-release/gccvars.txt;-js-compiler-option+=--property_map_input_file
> ../../../../../MainApp/bin/js-release/gccprops.txt</additionalCompilerOptions>
> On Dec 30, 2021, at 7:43 PM, Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think it will be better for me to share my pom's that way you can see
> all the compilation options used.  The pom for the parent (FmClient2), the
> MainApp and one module (Overview) have been attached to this email.
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 6:22 PM Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Roman, can you share your full compiler options?
> I decided to remove the below settings completely
> -export-public-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
> I enabled the below settings
> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
> -js-default-initializers=true
> The release version starts up
> Hiedra, that’s great!
> On Dec 30, 2021, at 7:15 PM, Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes. I am testing with the sdk compiled on branch ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 6:10 PM Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com>
> wrote:
> Roman, are you testing with the SDK compiled from the Harb branches,
> ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO, or from develop?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> *Enviado el:* jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2021 16:52
> *Para:* users@royale.apache.org
> *Asunto:* Re: Compiling Modules (was Re: Load time is very slow)
> I decided to remove the below settings completely
> -export-public-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
> I enabled the below settings
> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
> -js-default-initializers=true
> The release version starts up
> <image001.png>
> <image002.png>
> However, the moment I launch a module. I get the below error
> <image003.png>
> It appears to be failing when I launch the "*Overview*" module
> (by clicking the Overview side menu).
> So my current observation is that by retaining only two settings
> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
> -js-default-initializers=true
> The release module starts up but the app fails whenever I launch a module.
> The smallest size settings in the documentation do not work. The app does
> not start up.
> -export-public-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
> The error trace is below
> Uncaught TypeError: cm.valuesImpl.init is not a function
>     at Wr.Rr.pl
> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwr.rr.pl%2F&data=04%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cbb4c911ab5664808355908d9cd1630b7%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637766317469204767%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=eD7plf2Ay8jDRKilUhOXLH%2BK%2FvYPjI7rJh2sOUillgk%3D&reserved=0>
> (Overview.js:792)
>     at Function.mq.generateMXMLProperties (Overview.js:743)
>     at Wr.lq.generateMXMLAttributes (Overview.js:551)
>     at new Wr (Overview.js:810)
>     at QN.J.loadHandler (FrontEnd.js:1978)
> 3Overview.js:56 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined
> (reading 'prototype')
>     at P (Overview.js:56)
>     at VG.convert (FrontEnd.js:910)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>     at HTMLElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at sM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at sM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> J.handleMouseOver @ FrontEnd.js:1649
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:250
> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at sM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> J.handleMouseOut @ FrontEnd.js:1649
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:250
> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at sM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> J.handleMouseOver @ FrontEnd.js:1649
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:250
> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at sM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> J.handleMouseOut @ FrontEnd.js:1649
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:250
> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at sM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> J.handleMouseOver @ FrontEnd.js:1649
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:250
> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at sM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> J.handleMouseOut @ FrontEnd.js:1649
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:250
> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at sM.J.handleMouseOver (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> J.handleMouseOver @ FrontEnd.js:1649
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:250
> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
> FrontEnd.js:1649 Uncaught TypeError: M is not a function
>     at sM.J.handleMouseOut (FrontEnd.js:1649)
>     at Function.ny [as googFireListener] (FrontEnd.js:123)
>     at ny (FrontEnd.js:250)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.iy (FrontEnd.js:125)
>     at HTMLAnchorElement.b (FrontEnd.js:121)
> J.handleMouseOut @ FrontEnd.js:1649
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:250
> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 4:32 PM Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I get the same error even when I set
> the -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true;
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 4:24 PM Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Using the below settings,
> -export-public-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-public-symbols=false
> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false
> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=false;
> -js-default-initializers=true
> Debug version runs fine. The release version does not start up
> <image004.png>
> I get the below errors
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'apply')
>     at KE.hm (FrontEnd.js:1600)
>     at XE.M.Fb (FrontEnd.js:943)
>     at XE.M.uh (FrontEnd.js:937)
>     at FE.M.na
> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffe.m.na%2F&data=04%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cbb4c911ab5664808355908d9cd1630b7%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637766317469204767%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=C2dMLjuecMOcaQ6hesLK2sXJ4uUmP1frYCqcrIbYpyI%3D&reserved=0>
> (FrontEnd.js:497)
>     at FE.M.v (FrontEnd.js:497)
>     at dR.M.S (FrontEnd.js:213)
>     at dR.Nz.S (FrontEnd.js:217)
>     at dR.M.start (FrontEnd.js:1396)
>     at index.html:45
> :8080/favicon.ico:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a
> status of 404 (Not Found)
> FrontEnd.js is the start up class for the application. i.e. It implements
> the Jewel application class.
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 3:19 PM Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Harb,
> Thanks for your response. I have gone through the documentation. I will do
> my test again starting with the smallest size option and share my findings.
> Regards,
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2021 at 10:59 AM Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry for my deal in responding.
> Let’s take a step back.
> I’m not sure how you are compiling your modules. I just added some content
> to the module documentation page which explains what compiler options you
> need while compiling modules. (It still needs some editing.)
> https://apache.github.io/royale-docs/features/modules#minification
> <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapache.github.io%2Froyale-docs%2Ffeatures%2Fmodules%23minification&data=04%7C01%7Caharui%40adobe.com%7Cbb4c911ab5664808355908d9cd1630b7%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C637766317469204767%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=%2BbYUFfqzb4QzEkFBJp9fi0e%2FeYx7IqvtItN4slKbK38%3D&reserved=0>
> Are you using those options?
> On Dec 29, 2021, at 2:19 AM, Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com> wrote:
> Hi, Let me join you with these tests....
> @Harb, I have compiled the SDK from this branch, 
>  and when running in debug I get this error:
> Message on the PURGE CONSOLE is displayed:
> Cannot convert  org.apache.royale.reflection.beads.ClassAliasBead  to IBead
> Message in the IDE Window:
> Se produjo una excepción: TypeError: Cannot convert [object Object] to
> IBead
>   at App.org.apache.royale.core.ElementWrapper.addBead (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/core/ElementWrapper.js:114:11
> )
>     at App.org.apache.royale.core.HTMLElementWrapper.addBead (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/core/HTMLElementWrapper.js:43:65
> )
>     at App.org.apache.royale.jewel.Application.start (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/jewel/Application.js:246:10
> )
>     at App.App_loadXML (http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/App.js:1681:25
> )
>     at
> org.apache.royale.net.URLLoader.org.apache.royale.events.EventDispatcher.fireListeners
> (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/events/EventDispatcher.js:97:23
> )
>     at Function.goog.events.EventTarget.dispatchEventInternal_ (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/library/closure/goog/events/eventtarget.js:381:26
> )
>     at
> org.apache.royale.net.URLLoader.org.apache.royale.events.EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent
> (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/events/EventDispatcher.js:72:37
> )
>     at org.apache.royale.net.URLLoader.jsEventHandler (
> http://localhost:8080/WNetSuitePlus/org/apache/royale/net/URLLoader.js:169:12
> )
> Call stack:
> <image003.png>
> [INFO] Executing MXMLC in tool group Royale with args: [
> -load-config=D:\Develop_Royale\Projects\WinPlusWebSuite\royaleapp\royalelogin\target\compile-app-config.xml,
> -js-default-initializers=true,
> -source-map=true,
> -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true,
> -keep-as3-metadata+=Inject,Dispatcher,EventHandler,Event,PostConstruct,PreDestroy,ViewAdded,ViewRemoved,Bindable,Transient,
> -keep-code-with-metadata=Inject,
> -show-binding-warnings=false,
> -export-public-symbols=false,
> -prevent-rename-protected-symbols=false,
> -prevent-rename-internal-symbols=false,
> -js-output=D:\Develop_Royale\Projects\WinPlusWebSuite\royaleapp\royalelogin\target\javascript,
> -compiler.targets=JSRoyale,
> D:\Develop_Royale\Projects\WinPlusWebSuite\royaleapp\royalelogin\src\main\royale\App.mxml
> The release execution does not change, the error is the same as before
> (SDK compilation from the develop branch):
> Se produjo una excepción: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable
> com.iest.winplusweb.models.MasterConfigSystemModel is not defined.
>   at yR (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:3605:1771)
>     at Mya (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:3343:365)
>     at AR.J.usa (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:434:441)
>     at GFa.J.fromTypeDefinition (
> http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:5706:139)
>     at Function.YT.getTypeDescriptor (
> http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:4570:820)
>     at Function.fX.constructBean (
> http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:2336:472)
>     at r$.J.initialize (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:5041:66)
>     at OW.J.init (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:950:452)
>     at OW.J.u (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:951:454)
>     at $$.J.addBead (http://localhost:8080/WPWebRelease/App.js:357:549)
> The main difference:
> project compiled from "SDK-develop" runs fine in js-debug and gives error
> in js-release and, compiled from "SDK-ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO" does not
> launch because of conversion error.
> Hiedra
> *De:* Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> *Enviado el:* martes, 28 de diciembre de 2021 15:55
> *Para:* users@royale.apache.org
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> @Harb
> I have checked out the feature/ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO branch and compiled
> asjs and compiler. I have rebuilt my application with modules in release
> mode.
> I get the following error when I attempt to launch a module
> <image001.png>
> The module loads fine in debug mode
> <image002.png>
> Snippets of the log
> Overview.js:786 Uncaught TypeError: cm.valuesImpl.init is not a function
>     at Rr.Mr.yl (Overview.js:786)
>     at Function.iq.generateMXMLProperties (Overview.js:736)
>     at Rr.hq.generateMXMLAttributes (Overview.js:546)
>     at new Rr (Overview.js:804)
>     at LN.J.loadHandler (FrontEnd.js:1967)
> Mr.yl @ Overview.js:786
> iq.generateMXMLProperties @ Overview.js:736
> hq.generateMXMLAttributes @ Overview.js:546
> Rr @ Overview.js:804
> J.loadHandler @ FrontEnd.js:1967
> load (async)
> LN.loadModule @ FrontEnd.js:1965
> dN.loadModule @ FrontEnd.js:2406
> LD.Un @ FrontEnd.js:1809
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:123
> ny @ FrontEnd.js:248
> iy @ FrontEnd.js:125
> b @ FrontEnd.js:121
> I have attached the full log to this email.
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 2:51 PM Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Maria,
> Prior to starting this mail discussion "Load time is very slow". I can
> confirm I have only been compiling in debug mode. My target\javascript\bin\
> only had js-debug. It was after I upgraded my royale sdk from 0.9.7 to
> 0.9.8 that I compiled in release mode.
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 2:24 PM Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com>
> wrote:
> Hi, @Roman, I think you are doing a double compile can it be? My times are
> the same as yours and I always compile in debug and release.
> Look at your target folder " target\javascript\bin\" and if you have two
> folders: js-debug and js-release you are compiling always double.
> In my case, the architecture of my project as well as the Maven
> compilation files (pom.xml) were provided by an external company (we didn't
> know anything about Maven or Royale at that time) and I understand that
> this formula was chosen to show us the options we had.
> A priori and without doing any test as Harb has done, I think that
> modularity gives us the advantage of compiling parts of the code once and
> not compiling them again if they are not modified. So far WITH MY
> COMPILATION TIMES, sometimes more than 1 minute, this is fundamental. But
> of course, now we have the problem of minification of the modules and it is
> really a serious problem because it is impossible for us to deploy in
> production.
> I will try to separate the compiación realese with a profile and if I
> succeed I will pass it to you @Roman.
> @Harb what do you mean by compiling the ROYALE_INTERFACE_INFO branch?
> Hiedra
> *De:* Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com>
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2021 18:32
> *Para:* users@royale.apache.org
> *Asunto:* Re: Load time is very slow
> That doesn’t sound right.
> Are you sure you’re compiling debug and not release? That sounds like
> release build times.
> On Dec 27, 2021, at 3:31 PM, Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Wow ! You are using a workstation with a bleeding edge processor.
>  I just compiled my app now. It took 44 seconds. (First compilation after
> ide start up.) Subsequently compilations are usually 19s to 20s.
>  My application code base is very very small compared to yours.  As we
> continue to add functionality, I expect the compile times to rise.
> <MainApp_pom.xml><Overview_pom.xml><fm_client2_pom.xml>

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