It is now displaying. The issue was not related to the sp:List as I
initially thought.


        <js:ContainerDataBinding />

  <sp:FlexContainer className="home_side_area" wrap="false">
      <sp:Icon> </sp:Icon>
      <sp:Button text="Add New" flavor="cta"></sp:Button>
      <sp:List id="navLinks" className="home_side_nav" labelField=
"description" dataProvider="{menuItemList}"
      <sp:Button text="Log Out" click="logOut(event)"></sp:Button>

   <sp:Container id="mainArea">
      <sp:Label text="Overview area"></sp:Label>


I changed the parent component from flex container to group. Though that
had nothing to do  with the issue I was having.

My current question

is Array data type the only collection class that is supported in spectrum

On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM Roman Isitua <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to populate my first List <sp:List> for some reason it is not
> being populated. Here is my code snippet.
> <sp:beads>
>         <js:ContainerDataBinding />
>     </sp:beads>
>   <sp:FlexContainer className="home_side_area" wrap="false">
>       <sp:Icon> </sp:Icon>
>       <sp:Button text="Add New" flavor="cta"></sp:Button>
>       <sp:List id="navLinks" className="home_side_nav" dataProvider=
> "{newMenuItemList}"
>       labelField="description" change="onSelectMenu(event)"/>
>       <sp:Button text="Log Out" click="logOut(event)"></sp:Button>
>       <sp:beads> <js:ContainerDataBinding />  </sp:beads>
>   </sp:FlexContainer>
> I have the following questions
> 1. what is the expected data provider ? Array,
> or org.apache.royale.collections.ArrayList ?
> I have tried both none of them works.
> 2.  Did I register data binding correctly ?
> The above ui is wrapped by a FlexContainer.
> my data source is supposed to be an arrayList of data transfer objects
> (MenuItemDTO) with get set functions for each field.
> On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 5:47 PM Harbs <> wrote:
>> Use a <sp:PasswordField>
>> > On Jan 8, 2022, at 4:34 PM, Roman Isitua <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Harbs,
>> >
>> > I am trying to create a login form. How do I hide the password in
>> >
>> > <sp:TextField placeholder="Enter password"/>
>> >
>> >  could it be that it does not support password hiding ? Do I have to
>> resort to using royale basic text field ?

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