> How can I use an arrayList of data objects instead ?

<sp:ComboBox placeholder="Type here" quiet=“true” 

> The spectrum combobox also doesn't have a change attribute. How do you 
> execute an event on selecting from the list.

It looks like we forgot to add Event metadata for that.

> On Feb 27, 2022, at 2:48 AM, Timothy Tokmang Wang <timoshimm...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> The spectrum combobox also doesn't have a change attribute. How do you 
> execute an event on selecting from the list.
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2022 at 12:28 AM Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:romanisi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> How can I populate a spectrum combo box dynamically ? I intend to use an 
> array list of data objects ? 
> For spectrum List (sp:List) the following can be used
> <sp:List id="navLinks" className="home_side_nav" labelField="description" 
>       dataProvider="{newMenuItemList}" change="onSelectMenu(event)">
>        <sp:beads>         
>            <js:DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayList/>
>            <js:EasyDataProviderChangeNotifier/> 
>            <js:DynamicRemoveAllItemRendererForArrayListData/>
>         </sp:beads>
>       </sp:List>
> From the royale spectrum show case the code snippet was used.
> <sp:ComboBox placeholder="Type here" quiet="true">
>   <sp:dataProvider>
>   <fx:Array>
>     <sp:MenuItem text="Ballard"/>
>     <sp:MenuItem text="Freemont"/>
>     <sp:MenuItem text="Greenwood"/>
>     <sp:MenuItem isDivider="true"/>
>     <sp:MenuItem text="United States of America" disabled="true"/>
>   </fx:Array>
>   </sp:dataProvider>
> </sp:ComboBox>
> In the above example a static fx array was used. How can I use an arrayList 
> of data objects instead ?
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 5:21 PM Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:romanisi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Understood. Thanks.
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 5:14 PM Harbs <harbs.li...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:harbs.li...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> On Jan 12, 2022, at 6:08 PM, Roman Isitua <romanisi...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:romanisi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> What is the purpose of  <js:ArrayListSelectionModel />   ?  since it was no 
>> longer necessary 
> It’s necessary in Royale Basic to use ArrayLists.
> In Spectrum, there’s a default ListModel which correctly handles both both 
> Array and ArrayList data.
>> Also, another question
>> which will you recommend one uses ? why should one choose Array over 
>> ArrayList or ArrayList over Array.
> Array is simpler. There’s less overhead. If you have data which doesn’t 
> change, use Array.
> If you need the list to update when data changes, use ArrayList.

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