I recently stumbled upon the below links



It looks pretty interesting. As I look to bring new front end developers to
join my team. Using royale with a  node js compiler might be a good option.
Since most front end developers have no back end experience so tools like
maven, ant might be an obstacle to rapid adoption.

I have the following questions to ask
1. Royale cli integration supports hot deployment. i.e. Listens to the src
folder. When any file changes, it will recompile the app and reload the
browser to show the updated application.)

Is this supported when using maven ? If yes. how ?

It is a major productivity booster.

2. I have started using spectrum UI components. Spectrum is a stand alone
royale library. How can I make the Spectrum.swc available to the royale
node js module ?

I have been a back end developer for most of my career so I only recently
entered the terrain of front end development with html, javascript and css.


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