    We actually still use SonarQube for AS file scanning as AS3 does not have a 
lot of actively developed utilities in this area. You do have to customize 
their rules list to be more appropriate, but it does give you a 70% solution. 
You are correct about it not working on any code structure inside of the MXML 
files themselves. Run the MXML files lean on code and rely on 
controllers/VO/utility in pure AS files to give you the most benefit from it.

-Mark K

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Dove <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 00:51
Cc: Apache Royale Development <>
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Quick check on Linting tools for Apache Royale

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I used any code quality tools with Apache Royale. I'm 
keen for some updated suggestions if you have any... to be clear: this is about 
the actionscript/css/mxml, not about the generated javascript.

I worked on a project some years ago (when it was still FlexJS) where we used 
SonarQube, and that was working at the time (as part of a maven build) and was 
useful (although I think it may have been limited to actionscript code blocks 
inside mxml and not working with mxml itself...).

Has anyone used SonarQube or perhaps tried to use Flex PMD or anything else 
recently, with Apache Royale? Would be keen to hear your thoughts and/or 


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