Hi All,

Many thanks for all the suggestions. I will give them a try.

Surely though, the best solution is to get Royale RemoteObject working properly, unless anyone is aware of some fundamental reason why it can't. I'm happy to take a look at any relevant source code to see if I can devise a fix at least for CF. It wouldn't be quick as I will shortly be away for nearly two months. But if there is no time constraint, I'm happy to try.


On 07/06/2022 05:18, Alina Kazi wrote:
Hi Doug,

I have used mx:RemoteObject in several applications.
Remote Object in declaration block of mxml file
<mx:RemoteObject id="EPSObj" destination="{RODestination}" endpoint="{ROEndpoint}" showBusyCursor="true" source="{ROSource}">
Responder and fault handlers I have added using AsyncTolen and Responder.

var responder680:Responder = new Responder(on_sel_ScanDocTypeCd_SimpleRH, ROFaultHandler);  var token680:AsyncToken = EPSObj.sel_ScanDocTypeCd_Simple((FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as IEPS).getAppUserInfo(true)); token680.addResponder(responder680); trace(token680);

In some cases I have created the RemoteObject in actionscript class too and it works fine.
In the above case the Result handler is: on_sel_ScanDocTypeCd_SimpleRH
And fault handler is :

Hope that helps.

-Alina Kazi

On Tue, 7 Jun 2022, 2:02 am Maria Jose Esteve, <mjest...@iest.com> wrote:

    Have you tried mx:RemoteObject?


    *De:* Doug Simmons <doug777...@gmail.com>
    *Enviado el:* domingo, 5 de junio de 2022 6:38
    *Para:* users@royale.apache.org
    *Asunto:* Royale RemoteObject with ColdFuaion


    Apache Royale Remote Object API says it is suitable for use with
    ColdFusion, but I can't get it to work.

    In a Flex (AIR) project I have :

    <s:RemoteObject id="roWeDates" destination="ColdFusion"
        <s:method name="getmonthdates"
    result="roWEDatesResultHandler(event)" fault="roFaultHandler(event)"/>

    this.monthChooser.selectedIndex + 1);

    and it all works perfectly.

    Now I need to get this working in a browser.

    So I have SDK Apache Royale 0.9.9 (JS only) (Bundled)

    <js:RemoteObject id="roWEDates" destination="ColdFusion"
    result="roWEDateResultHandler(event)" fault="roFaultHandler(event)"

    [this.yearChooser.selectedItem, this.monthChooser.selectedIndex + 1]);

    This compiles correctly and then when you run it and send to the
    CF method : -

    No data is returned from CF and neither result or fault handlers
    are triggered.

    The browser log shows :

    [HTTP/1.1 302 Found 972ms]

    destination fault handler
    Object { code: -1005, message: "Invalid response.", detail: "",
    data: null } Language.js:280:22

    I have tried with flex2gateway in the cfc url, but this causes a
    CORS preflight error.

    Does anyone have a solution?


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