It’s been a long time since I was in this code, but my recollection is that 
Royale does not support resultFormat=”xml”.   I see that option commented out 
in the source.

I believe there is partial or full support for resultFormat=”e4x”.  IIRC, the 
“xml” format is a Flash subsystem and was deemed too much work to emulate in 
Royale since most folks were able to switch to e4x.

Hope that helps,

Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 3:15 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Not Found Error

EXTERNAL: Use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.

I can kind of see what's going on - the Services in the app (http services) are 
       <ns9:Services id="services"/>
       <ns9:BaseController id="appController"/>

When the app initializes it instantiates the services. Each service 
instantiates and runs the format method that has a null xml parameter. I can 
delay this but the frontcontroller gets stuck.

So I guess the easiest thing to do is to tweek the application based on js 
errors from the browser debugger.


On 04/30/2024 4:08 PM EDT MARK HARTNETT <> wrote:

Hi All,
Made some progress after debugging in the browser.

The error that's killing the browser is - public function set resultFormat(value:String):void.

XML is the parm type. This method retrieves a null  resourcebundle () and then 
throws an error.
I've included images of my call stack and the point when the error is caught.

Are these some of the bugs I need to fix or is this part of trans-coding,
or maybe this is not the problem.


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