On 9/10/19 10:02 am, Chris Johns wrote:
> On 9/10/19 3:31 am, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>> ----- Am 8. Okt 2019 um 4:04 schrieb Jonathan Brandmeyer 
>> jbrandme...@planetiq.com:
>>> On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 12:32 AM Sebastian Huber
>>> <sebastian.hu...@embedded-brains.de> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I need your help to figure out if some host tools which I would like to
>>>> use for the RTEMS BSP build and development are widely supported on the
>>>> host platforms of all RTEMS users.
>>>> The current build system is based on Autoconf and Automake. I would like
>>>> to replace it with a Python based build system (waf) which is aimed to
>>>> be faster and easier to maintain.
>>> Do you need to do anything special to get waf to use all of the build
>>> machine's resources?  Waf was only capable of keeping about ~30% of a
>>> 16-core/32-thread workstation's resources busy during the rtems-libbsd
>>> build at any time, even during the embarrassingly parallel stages of
>>> the build.
>> Yes, I noticed this too in the libbsd build. I had no time to figure out why 
>> it is not able to keep all processors fully loaded.
> I checked and saw the same thing. I used the -j option to double the number of
> parallel processes and the load was still not 100% so I am not sure where the
> issue is. One of the python processes or threads runs at 100% which does not
> seem right to me.

Thanks to some help from Jonathan and Thomas I think I have a fix. I will need
to package it up and I will post it on devel when I have something.

FYI the issue was the time to scan dependences in Python. Using gcc drops the
build time from 1m25s to 1m14s and top shows 0% idle.

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