
I have set a date for mid April in Trac for the 5.1 release [1].

I believe the major issues in the release workflow are stable so we can now concentrate on a release.

Your help in getting us to the release is important and welcome. There are a number of issues to resolve and the more we do the better RTEMS 5.1 will be.

All discussions will be taking place on de...@rtems.org

You can test your BSP with a release snapshot by downloading the RSB source package from ...


I am planing to branch at the end of March 2020 and creating RC1. The time between creating the RC releases and the release will be small so please check the snapshots if RTEMS 5.1 is important to you. If there is demand for a m2003-2 etc snapshot let me know and I can create it.

Please review tickets for the 5.1 milestone [1] and provide fixes, update the milestone or please add comments.


[1] https://devel.rtems.org/milestone/5.1
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