> On 2022-December-19, at 19:59, tia...@sugon.com <mailto:tia...@sugon.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi:
>       I have a testcode, it will lead to uart print space forever.
> Demo code like this:
>       Init()
>       {
>               create a task;
>               start this task;
>               printf("%*\n");
>                 while(1) { 
>                       sleep()
>               }
>       }

What are you expecting get? The * tells printf that there will be a parameter 
following that will give you the length of the subsequent parameter. Usually of 
the format %*s, length, string.
I’m pretty sure that you don’t have a proper format string, it’s missing the 
item that you should be specifying the length for and then you neither have the 
length nor the item to be printed.

What are you trying to do?


Andrei Chichak

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