On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 18:21, Vidar Ramdal <vi...@idium.no> wrote:
> Is there a way to provide configuration files (*.config) as
> initial-content in a bundle?
> We need to set a config property for the Authorization Header
> Authenticator, and I've found the config file under the
> sling/config/org/o/a/s/httpauth/impl/AuthorizationHeaderAuthenticationHandler.config
> - which I have edited.
> Now, I'd like to apply this configuration when I install a bundle.
> Is that possible, and how?

Yes, using the jcrinstall bundle and creating a sling:OsgiConfig node
(which you can easily define as initial content). The node must reside
in a "config" folder and have the name of the service pid, ie. the
class name. For Example:


The properties of this node will be mapped one to one on OSGI config
properties, eg.

org.apache.sling.commons.log.level = info
(string property)

See also "Install, modify and remove a configuration" on


Alexander Klimetschek

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