
On 11.05.2010 09:47, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 1:59 AM, Justin Edelson <justinedel...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> ...There's documentation on the JR site about clustering configuration.
>> We don't have anything specific to this on the Sling site AFAIK, but this 
>> isn't to
>> say we shouldn't....
> What we have in Sling is the contrib/jcr/jackrabbit-client module,
> which can be used to access a separately configured Jackrabbit
> repository via JNDI or RMI. I wouldn't recommend the latter for
> performance reasons, but with JNDI you can configure/scale Jackrabbit
> independently of Sling, and use it from Sling applications.

Agreed for not connecting Sling to a repository over RMI. This just will
make you cry ;-)

Yet, I do not agree about using JNDI: You will most probably be best off
in terms of maintenance and management if you would run Jackrabbit
embedded in the same OSGi Framework as Sling.

You still can tune Jackrabbit "independent" of Sling, actually, your are
force to tune Jackrabbit out-of-band because Jackrabbit is configured by
its own configuration files found in the jackrabbit folder.


> That bundle is meant to be used instead of the
> bundles/jcr/jackrabbit-server one which embeds a Jackrabbit repository
> with a basic configuration.
> -Bertrand

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