On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Anthony Giaccone
<tgiacc...@masslight.net> wrote:

> I want to deploy a production level sling system. To do that I have to go
> beyond what's offered in the launchpad.
> I want to install jackrabbit as a stand alone war file.

May I ask why you want that?

> Then link sling to talk to that instance of jackrabbit.

If you run Jackrabbit independently from Sling, you would need to
connect to Jackrabbit via JNDI or RMI. This is possible by using the
Sling Jackrabbit Client bundle, but there's a performance penalty (at
least for RMI - a huge one).

> First is this a reasonable way to do the deploy? Second, how do I do that?

If you have no other reason for running Jackrabbit independently, I'd
say don't do it. I suspect you can achieve most of what you want by
configuring the Jackrabbit instance in Sling. Look at
/sling/console/configMgr and find the Apache Sling Embedded JCR
Repository instance. From here, you can specify a directory where
Jackrabbit should store its files.

> Is there a document that describes how to set up a production sling
> environment?

AFAIK no special document for Sling, but you should take a look at the
Jackrabbit configuration documentation:

In particular, I recommend using a Bundle Database
Persistencenemanager (e.g. *.bundle.DerbyPersistenceManager) instead
of the *.db.DerbyPersistenceManager that is configured by Sling as
default. The BundlePM has much better performance, in my experience.

Vidar S. Ramdal <vi...@idium.no> - http://www.idium.no
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