
I just did not want to put static files in the repository. It was difficult
to synchronize files on our VCS and the repository. Normal workflow was,
edit javascript and css files. And, then push them to the repository to see
the change. If things work, commit to VCS.

I could have used WebDAV mount. I was too lazy to mount sling WebDAV to
existing directory and see what happens.

 Static files will be served from CDN eventually. So, I'm not concerned with

On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 6:30 AM, Julian Sedding <> wrote:

> Hi Sam
> Why would you want to do this? If it's for performance reasons, did
> you measure if there is actually a problem?
> If you request the static resource from Sling (and it is backed by a
> JCR Node), it is just spooled out to the client. In case of binaries,
> they would typically be served out of JackRabbit's DataStore and
> therefore be served from the filesystem already. So all you could get
> rid of is the Sling overhead, which should be minimal.
> Alternatively, it is possible to install the FileSystem Provider[0]
> bundle, which is available on the Downloads page[1]. This allows you
> to serve resources from the file system, but is still handled by Sling
> and thus is ultimately served by the SlingMainServlet.
> Regards
> Julian
> [0]
> [1]
> On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 12:07 PM, sam lee <> wrote:
> > Hey,
> >
> > Is there a way to serve static files from filesystem (not repository)?
> >
> > For example,
> >
> > GET /static/js/jquery.js
> >
> > will be served from /var/www/media/js/jquery.js   of filesystem, not
> > repository.
> >
> > (/static/*  is served from /var/www/media/*)
> >

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