After weeks of organising sponsorship, location and other details of
this event, I'm glad to finally announce the .adaptTo(Berlin) meetup
for the 15th and 16th of september 2011. The event will be located at
Betahaus Berlin (Kreuzberg) and will be open for a maximum of 100

.adaptTo(Berlin) is a technical meetup focused on the technical stack
of Apache Sling and is adressed to all developers using this stack.

This event is sponsored by Adobe Systems and pro!vision GmbH which
also acts as host.

Due to this sponsorship there is just an obligatory price of 15€ for
this meetup. Beside the location and the basic presentation equipment,
we will provide you with some additional features which we will
announce in detail soon.

The goal of this meetup is the consolidation of the experience and
knowledge of the existing Apache Sling community. To achive this goal
we'll try to bring develeopers and users (which means developers who
work on top of this framework) together, talking about the framework
and presenting solutions or best practices. To have some real benifit
from this event you should have at least basic knowledge about this
technological Stack (JCR, OSGi, Sling, REST).

Day 1 of this meetup will focus on the pure Open Source Apache Sling
Stack (including Apache Felix and Apache Jackrabbit), discussing ideas
and common problems as well as presenting best practices and technical
details of the framework (like the latest changes).

Day 2 will be open for talks and discussions on any solution based on
this stack. Since Adobe Communiqué 5 ist the biggest commercial
solution based on this stack, CQ 5 will be the main focus of this day,
but any other product/solution based on this stack is more then
welcome to be presented and discussed.

The agenda will be announced as soon as we have enough confirmed talks
for a first draft and be published on where
all information will be made available.

Registration will be open until 19th of august 2011.

One last word...

.adaptTo(Berlin) is planned as interactive meetup with talks comming
from the community, so it is your turn to fill one of our 45 or 90
minute slots to present your solutions and experiences. Developers of
Adobe Systems and pro!vision GmbH will give some talks, but we would
be pleased to have various speakers and encourage you to present your

Speakers should enter their proposals as soon as possible, since we
want to publish an agenda draft till mid of august. Please enter the
topic in the wiki till 5th of august and send me the slides or at
least a description of what your talk will cover till 12th of august.
( That way we can make sure to get a manifold
agenda and set up a proper timetable.

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