First of all thanks very much for the earlier help on getting going. I
now have a Sling up and running and am happily posting and getting
data from it.

At the moment the data that I post is in the form of attribute values
pairs (as though I had posted from a form in html), and I would like
to increase the complexity of the data.

Naively its easy: I can put a JSON or XML blob as the value of one of
the attribute pairs, and as long as I am careful with escaping, I will
get the same data back. However I am not sure that I am using Sling /
Jackrabbit to its best advantage, and wondered what the rest of you

An example set of data that I might want to put in:

 "comment":"is a web framework that uses a Java Content Repository,
such as Apache Jackrabbit, to store and manage content",
 "mailingLists":["Sling Users List


                      "Sling Developers List



As you can see mostly its attribute value pairs, so I could code each
attribute/value pair as a post parameter. Of course this is recursive
data structure, so one of the values (for example mailingLists) then
has a coded values. I can obviously make the mailingLists its own

In my previous life I have played quite a bit with Ontologies, and in
a sense this is similar problem to deciding whether something is a
class or an instance. What I mean by this is "should my values be
coded as attribute/value pairs in a node, or as nodes in their own
right". I am sure there is a "standard" answer to this, and I wonder
if the rest of you have settled on a standard answer.

At the moment I have no feeling for the "cost" of a node. Its
obviously possible to store a lot of data in a node, or to split the
data up across nodes. I'd appreciate anyone else's thoughts on the
trade-offs involved

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