Dear Apache Sling developers and users,

after last year's edition ( which got very
good feedback from attendees, Provision and Adobe would like to
organize and invite you to an event focused on our technologies, in
Berlin, Germany, on September 26th-28th, called .adaptTo(Berlin) 2012.

A brief description of the event follows below; please note that this
is kept in a draft fashion to let the communities (Sling, Jackrabbit)
shape its final content and organization. So please let us know if you
are interested, what suggestions and what questions you would like to
post, and, most of all: what you want to present or you would like to
see presented at .adaptTo(Berlin)

This is a brief description which we also put up on the web site:

.adaptTo(Berlin) is a technical meetup focused on the technical stack
of Apache Sling including Apache Jackrabbit and Apache Felix and is
adressed to all developers using this stack or parts of it. Specific
content will be focused on Adobe CQ5, the commercial WCM system whose
infrastructure is based on the Sling stack and the commercial JCR
Implementation Adobe CRX.

This event is sponsored by Adobe Systems and pro!vision GmbH which
also acts as host.

The goal of this meetup is the consolidation of the experience and
knowledge of the existing Apache Sling, Apache Jackrabbit and Apache
Felix community and to introduce the complete Sling stack to
newcomers. To achive this goal we'll try to bring developers and users
(which means developers who work on top of this framework) together,
talking about the framework and presenting solutions or best
practices. Attendees that have not much experience with one or more
parts of this stack will get the chance to get a kickstart
introduction to Apache Jackrabbit, Apache Felix and Apache Sling on
the first day.

Day 1 of this meetup will therefore give unexperienced attendees the
possiblity to learn the basic principles of this technological stack,
while experienced users can set up free meetups in the style of a

Day 2 & 3 will include session on the open source Apache projects,
Apache Sling, Apache Felix and Apache Jackrabbit, as well as some
breakout sessions focused on Adobe CQ5 and CRX. The idea is to have a
good mix of presentations, hands-on sessions, free discussions and
maybe even workshops or a hackaton.

Note: This is only a draft how we think this event could work, but
since this is a community driven event, further planning and
discussion of the contents of the meeting will be continued in the
public mailinglists.

Berlin, September 26-28 2012

Target audience:
Developers working with Sling, Jackrabbit, CQ and other related projects.

Carsten Ziegeler
PMC Chair Apache Sling

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