
After I think about a year I’m about to start up another sling project. I’ve 
used IntelliJ in the past for sling development, but now with IntelliJ 13.1 it 
seems to be more picky on dependencies.

For example, in my parent pom I have:
And in my bundle pom:

In the IntelliJ UI when looking at the pom.xml of the bundle the felix 
dependency is highlighted in yellow with the message “Dependency is not OSGI 
ready”, which is what IntelliJ has always done in the past.

However, when I try to use these annotations (Component, Service, Activate, 
etc) I get compile errors in intelliJ:
“The package is not exported by the bundle dependencies”

In IntelliJ I can change this to a warning:

Is this what you’ve done? Or is there another way around this?


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