On 30 August 2014 08:36, Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com> wrote:
> 2. OSGi Platform services have to be adapted as well. Particularly nasty 
> probably are things like SCR and Blueprint which manage objects on behalf of 
> bundles and must thus be knowledgeable of that situation maybe also by virtue 
> of the MultieTenantActivator and the BundleContext wrappers.

Yes, I think in any kind of approach here platform services must be
aware of the multi-tenancy. One of the things that I have been
thinking about is to make OSGi Subsystems fully multi-tenant capable.
It still means that the platform services have to be 'subsystem-aware'
but at least this limits the awareness to one tenant-support API
instead of having to understand many different types of multi-tenant
solutions. Depending on your use case, today's OSGi Subsystems might
already be good enough.

Best regards,


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