I'm still feeling my way around the right way to implement solutions in Sling 
that follow "sling thinking" and I'm hoping to get some confirmation from the 
I've got a requirement where I need to render an html page as text. It doesn't 
need to be perfect and I understand that there will be problems with any 
solution I come up with - that's acknowledged.

The two ways I have come up with so far are either as a selector, so that I can 
call /content/foo.html as /content/foo.text.html and then have a text.jsp under 
a component or maybe a pipeline service that listens for that selector and 
filters out the text. The other consideration, which I'm leaning towards, is a 
SlingServlet which would handle the txt extension where I would have it iterate 
through the page resources and compare with a list of whiteboard services that 
would render out text where appropriate.

Anybody know if I'm missing a third option?


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