I have a sling event handler defined like so:

@Component( metatype = true, immediate = true, label = "User Event Handler"
@Service( value = EventHandler.class )
@Properties( {
            @Property( name = EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC, value = {
}, propertyPrivate = true ),
            @Property( name = EventConstants.EVENT_FILTER, value =
"(path=/some/users/path/*)", propertyPrivate = true ) } )

public class UserEventHandler implements EventHandler {

    public void handleEvent( org.osgi.service.event.Event event ) {
    // handler code here


The problem I'm running into is that it registers right away but after
about an hour or two of being installed on the server it is no longer
running.  The only way I am able to get it back is to unload the bundle and
reinstall it.

1) Has anyone seen this before?

2) Is there something I could be looking for on why it would just
arbitrarily stop working? (Some specific class to log?)

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