
I'm bringing here a use case in Sling and look forward to receiving some
opinions from the community.

I need to write a server-side app that serves customized RESTful APIs for a
client app (which is stable and the set of APIs is fixed). The problem
comes from "ugly" API urls that can hardly be mapped into the resource
model of Sling, for example:


Especially properties like “documentName", “revisionID" and "userName" are
not necessarily stored in jcr resources, but can also be from external
sources. The flag “hasRevision” is either true or false value, to check if
the document has revision to be returned. So there must be some middleware
that handles the requests coming to each of those paths (to determine if
the needed resource can be retrieved from jcr or external sources, and
revision to be taken into account).

Thinking in the implementation of some regular web frameworks (Django,
Sinatra, etc.), it can be done by route mapping, such as:
*/:hasRevision?/:revisionID?") function()
{…}get("/myhost/-/users/:userName") function() {…}*

Initially I have come up with two solutions in Sling:

1- Write a "global SlingServlet" for "/myhost/", and then the rest of the
url are params that will be analyzed in the servlet to handle different
request patterns. However I don't think this is a very elegant solution,
because this only one servlet is responsible for all requests following the

2- Use Sling Resource Mappings
redirect the requests (categorized by reg-ex) to different resources, and
then write separate SlingServlet for each of those resources. I still have
some doubt if this is feasible.

Do you have some suggestions?


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