On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 8:19 PM, Júnior <fjunio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to register a servlet using the OSGI r6 annotations but It is
> not working.
> Follow the configurations I am using:
> R6
> *@Component(service=Servlet.class,*
> *property = { *
> *     "sling.servlet.methods=GET",*
> *     "sling.servlet.paths=/system/mypath1",*
> *     "sling.servlet.paths=/system/mypath2",*
> *   },*
> *immediate=true*
> *)*
> But When I use the @SlingServlet annotation it works:
> *@SlingServlet(paths={"/system/mypath1", "/system/mypath2"},
> methods={"GET"})*
> Am I missing some configuration?
> Does someone have an example of this kind of configuration?

Which version of maven-bundle-plugin (or bnd-maven-plugin) are you
using in your build?
If I recall correctly, the R6 annotations require the use of the 3.x
versions of either of the plugins to have the annotations be processed

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