I appreciate the feedback. There is so much churn in the developer mailing list 
I found myself unable to track new additions or changes like I used to do.

The touch point with is AppDynamics is JMX, which I see is supported in the 
dropwizard metrics.

For the issue I had, I am fortunate to have a talented intern and she was able 
to get everything working for our last Sprint. Going forward, I will be 
floating this functionality around and see if we can't start leveraging it soon.


-----Original Message-----
From: Björn Weide [mailto:bjoern.we...@netcentric.biz] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2017 4:12 AM
To: users@sling.apache.org
Cc: georg.henz...@netcentric.biz
Subject: Re: Sling Health Checks

Just my 2cents on that one - for me it sounds like it would be a good fit to 
use Sling Metrics here to record your metrics (like # of submissions in your 
case). You could then use a custom reporter to expose the data to AppDynamics 
(not sure about the integration points there).
In case you want to use a HC for that metrics you could implement some kind of 
delta reporter that simply reports the deltas of selected metrics to an 
internal store and then implement a HC checking these deltas against your 
thresholds (we are using this setup in one of our projects).

Best regards,

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 4:59 PM, Jason Bailey <jason.bai...@sas.com> wrote:

> So I'm part of a team that I will characterize as being "highly 
> resource optimized" We have an AppDynamics instance that we use to 
> monitor the state of our instances as much as possible. One of the 
> OOTB features is the ability to tie into JMX and present graphs and 
> historical information on specific items.
> We have a variety of business processes and functions in Sling that 
> would be beneficial to us to monitor, and in particular graph, so that 
> we can do intelligent alarming.  Where we are having problems is that 
> collection of state that would allow us to do intelligent monitoring.
> Example being submission processing. If the number of submissions each 
> instance is handling falls below a certain threshold or increases 
> beyond a certain number, it's an issue of concern, a warning. But 
> certain days and a particular time, it's a situation where need 
> someone looking at it immediately.
> Additionally having a value being returned would also allow us to 
> track trends or unusual events in a historical manner so that we can 
> hopefully identify issues before they happen.
> -Jason
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Georg Henzler [mailto:slin...@ghenzler.de]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 3:24 AM
> To: users@sling.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Sling Health Checks
> Hi Jason,
> no it is not possible at the moment - but nobody stops you to make the 
> HC component also provide an additional, custom MBean that shares some 
> additional result properties of the HC execution to other services.
> In theory the HC result could be extended to allow for custom 
> properties (that are then in turn exposed via JMX), but the idea 
> behind the HCs is that due to the clearly defined result type (with a 
> clear semantic for each
> status) consumers can easily decide whether an instance is healthy or 
> not, additional properties might be confusing. Could you describe your 
> use case in a bit more detail?
> Regards
> Georg
> On 2017-01-30 18:56, Jason Bailey wrote:
> > Anyone know if it's possible to use the Sling Health Checks to 
> > expose a value via the MBean other than the ones explicitly defined 
> > in the Result Object?
> >
> > Thanks
> > -Jason

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