Slick is very dense, but does showcase nearly everything you can do with
Sling (with zero additional bundles). Slingbucks is a good start and was
primarily what I used to learn Sling. It's based on ESP which can be a
little rough if you want to learn HTL.

If I were just starting out and wanting to learn Sling, I would…

1. Build some basic forms in plain old HTML using the Sling CRUD wiki page
[0] as your guide.

2. These forms should set properties, nested nodes, image uploads, etc.

3. Upload using WebDAV.

4. Login at [1]

5. Submit your forms.

6. Validate the results at [2]

7. Rinse and repeat.

8. Start building HTL pages that consume the properties you made via your
forms. This will be all about resourceTypes.

When you want to bump up to the next level, use the same CRUD guide, but
use the Java API combined with Sling’s excellent Eclipse Plugin / Project
builder [3].

For the next level, contribute to Slick. :-)

There’s probably a need for an “htlblog” now that HTL has matured and ships
with Sling 8 by default.

If you want to learn HTL head to the specification [4] which will be better
than any tutorial online (including my own).

[1] http://localhost:8080/
[2] http://localhost:8080/.explorer.html

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