hi there,

I was playing around with the sling post servlet and the import option and found some odd issues, trying to see if they are actual defects or if this is working as designed:

the following sequence

curl -F":operation=import" -F":replace=true" -F":name=test" -F":contentType=json" -F":content={ \"text\": \"test\", \"childOne\": { \"test\": \"child1Test2\"} }" http://admin:admin@localhost:8080/content

curl -F":operation=import" -F":replace=true" -F":name=test2" -F":contentType=json" -F":content={ \"text\": \"test\", \"childOne\": { \"test\": \"child1Test2\"} }" http://admin:admin@localhost:8080/content

curl -F":operation=import" -F":replace=true" -F":name=test" -F":contentType=json" -F":content={ \"text\": \"test\", \"childOne\": { \"test\": \"child1Test2\"} }" http://admin:admin@localhost:8080/content



since /content is a sling:orderedFolder I would have expected the order to stay intact

Also, if I do

curl -F":operation=import" -F":replace=true" -F":contentType=json" -F":content={ \"text\": \"test\", \"childOne\": { \"test\": \"child1Test2\"} }" http://admin:admin@localhost:8080/content/test

and then

curl -F":operation=import" -F":replace=true" -F":contentType=json" -F":content={ \"text\": \"test\", \"childTwo\": { \"test\": \"child1Test2\"} }" http://admin:admin@localhost:8080/content/test

the node structure is


I would expect the replace action to remove childOne?

I also noticed that the docs for the sling post servlet use ' in the json structure, sling errors out on that, it requires " instead

thank you
Ruben Reusser

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