Thanks for the advice. I got a reply from jackrabbit users and I will
run some the benchmarks in oak-run to test the deployment.

I believe I can use the numbers from the file based store to have a
baseline to compare against the RDBDocumentStore.

Then I can tweek the database to improve performance.


On 22.05.2017 14:20, Chetan Mehrotra wrote:
> On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 5:50 AM, Ioan Eugen Stan <> wrote:
>> How stable is Sling with RDBDocumentStore?
>> How about with a PostgreSQL back-end?
> It would be better to post these queries on
>> Any recommendations / things to avoid using the RDBDocumentStore?
> No such list as of now. However do ensure that binaries are not stored
> in Database and you make use of any external DataStore
> Chetan Mehrotra

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