Hi Nicolas,

I'm not sure I 100% understand what you are asking but in a nutshell,
the org.json license has been moved to CAT-X (i.e., not compatible
with AL). Subsequently, we can not release anything that contains
org.json or derived code. In our case, this mostly means we can't use
o.a.s.commons.json anymore.

We did look into alternatives and settled with using the
o.a.felix.util.json.JSONWriter embedded where a bundle is only writing
out simple json and javax.json otherwise. Towards that end, we created
a new o.a.s.commons.johnzon bundle that provides javax.json.

I did a first push recently and reworked all bundles that are
currently in the launchpad. Consequently, the launchpad currently
doesn't require org.json nor o.a.s.commons.json anymore. However, we
have still quite some other bundles and places like integration tests
etc. that need to be reworked.

For that, I just created SLING-6887 as the umbrella issue. Unless I
missed something, if all subtask on that issue are done (i.e., for
each subtask we reworked the associated bundle to not include or
depend on org.json, o.a.s.commons.json, nor
o.a.jackrabbit.commons.json and use javax.json or the Felix JSONWriter
instead, respectively) we hopefully have a completely org.json and
derived code free trunk.

Since I "volunteered" in the first place, I'm still commited to work
on this removal and I will try to pick up the sub-task of SLING-6887
one by one but certainly contributions are welcome :-).

Overall, the policy is: no more org.json/commons.json. The guideline
is, try to use javax.json if its complicated, otherwise, see if the
Felix JSONWriter is enough and if so, us that one but embed it
directly into the bundle.

Does this help?



On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Nicolas Peltier
<npelt...@adobe.com.invalid> wrote:
> Hey Karl,
> I see you created a few JIRAs on removing commons.json I followed the effort 
> about from rather far away.
> Would it be possible to indicate some wiki or doc on what are the guidelines 
> following that change?
> Nicolas

Karl Pauls

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