yes, you can set a different value for the resource.resolver.mapping property.

when you create the SlingContext object for the junit rule using the 
SlingContextBuilder, you have method resourceResolverFactoryActivatorProps.
pass in a hashmap for this method with property resource.resolver.mapping set 
to your mapping string array.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: David G. []
>Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 3:40 PM
>Subject: [Sling Testing] Mocking a Resource Resolver w/ URL Mappings
>Hi all,
>I would like to mock a Resource Resolver but provide various URL Mappings
>for my unit testing (ie. what is set via Apache Sling Resource Resolver
>Factory > URL Mapping)
>Is there a way to achieve this with the new (and great) Sling Mocks?

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