Hey Robert,

Thanks for the info! It does look like something I could definitely use for 
this, but if I look at the methods, I only see an editConfiguration, and 
deleteConfiguration not an addConfiguration?

When I look at the comments, it says:

 Sets properties of a config referenced by its PID. the properties to be edited 
are passed as
* a map of property name,value pairs.

So I don't know if I can also actually add a new one with this method?

> On 29 Aug 2017, at 12:40, Robert Munteanu <romb...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Roy,
> On Mon, 2017-08-28 at 14:44 +0200, Roy Teeuwen wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I am trying to run integration tests based on the
>> org.apache.sling.junit.core bundle. So far this always used to work,
>> because I was able to use loginAdministrative, but now that this
>> feature is disabled I can not do this anymore without providing
>> a  org.apache.sling.jcr.base.internal.LoginAdminWhitelist.fragment-
>> junitcore config.
>> I have seen in the caconfig bundle for integration tests that it is
>> done there by using the provisioning model to give the config and a
>> repoinit to provide the user, but this is not possible in my use-
>> case, I am creating an integration test bundle for AEM 6.3, so there
>> is no more provisioning, it's against a running test instance.
>> Anyone has a good approach to tackle this issue, that the config (and
>> possibly even the user mapping) is still inside the integration test
>> bundle, and not that I have to pre provision it to the running
>> instance?
> I would try and install the OSGi config at test time, using the
> OSGiConsoleClient.
> Robert

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