Unfortunately, I'm not going to be at adapt.to :-( wrong side of the pond.

So for commonmark, I'm assuming you're referring to this one here:


We could embed the JAR into a bundle to provide markdown support and the
implementation of the Sling Models and any other services. Let me take a
look at it in my copious free time ;-)

On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 12:05 PM Ioan Eugen Stan <stan.ieu...@gmail.com>

> Hello Daniel,
> I'm very happy to hear you have a use case for it and I hope we can get it
> included soon.
> Are you coming to Adapt.to? We might do some work there.
> I'm swamped with other work and can't work on this until then. If you need
> it sooner, I can't help you much.
> Regarding markdown support, I failed to convince commonmark developer to
> merge my osgi PR's. Maybe you can push a bit and make it happen. If not we
> could try to push for flexmark. The developer might be more open to
> contributions. This is for longer term.
> Short term you can use the versions I published.
> I saw another discussion about sling and markdown and I saw nice features
> being eiscussed (copy front matter properties to jcr properties, caching,
> etc) .
> https://github.com/vsch/flexmark-java
> *De la:* dk...@apache.org
> *Trimis:* 9 august 2018 17:59
> *Către:* ieu...@apache.org
> *Cc:* users@sling.apache.org
> *Subiect:* Re: [DISCUSSION] markdown support for Sling CMS
> Hey Eugen,
> Now that Sling CMS 0.9.0 is out I was thinking adding markdown support to
> Sling CMS would be a great addition (in part because I have a use case for
> it for filtered user generated content)
> I've created an issue for it:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-7819
> Do you want to create a PR for integrating this? How can I help?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 10:16 PM Daniel Klco <dk...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 17, 2018, 9:26 PM Eugen Stan <ieu...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hello Daniel and all,
>>> I've been working to deliver a piece of functionality that leverages
>>> Markdown support and I think it can be a great addition for managing
>>> content inside a Sling, more specifically Sling CMS.
>>> My work is by no means ready to be released into the open but I would
>>> like to share some ideas and get some feedback. I think it could make a
>>> great adition to Sling CMS.
>>> I've started from commonsmark-java [1] and I have made some PR's to add
>>> proper osgi support and Karaf features. Until they are upstreamed, I've
>>> published them to my public repository on bintray so you can test it out
>>> [2].
>>> I'm currenlty using this functionality to manage terms of use and
>>> privacy policy files for our web platform. We have a requirement that
>>> they need to be translated and I believe that a text based format has
>>> many advantages in this situation than an office document. Most of them
>>> are related to the that:
>>> - content can be easily version controlled
>>> - content can be transformed easily into multiple output formats: html,
>>> text, pdf
>>> - content is easy to view/edit
>>> - rich text editors exist for markdown that can be added
>>> The way I am using it in my application is to register a Sling Model
>>> that allows me to convert from Markdown content to html on the fly
>>> (caching can be added).
>>> I've also defined a script "page/markdown" via sling:resourceType so I
>>> can leverage that functionality. My implementation is based on fling
>>> sample and uses thymeleaf.
>>> Bellow are some code snippets that I use. My implementation needs to
>>> handle content into multiple languages and we use a fallback mechanism:
>>> If requested language is not available, then we fallback to the default
>>> version - which is English version for most cases.
>>> ----
>>> @Model(adaptables = {Resource.class, SlingHttpServletRequest.class})
>>> @FieldDefaults(level = AccessLevel.PROTECTED)
>>> public class Page {
>>>   @SlingObject Resource resource;
>>>   @SlingObject(injectionStrategy = OPTIONAL)
>>>   SlingHttpServletRequest request;
>>>   @OSGiService HtmlRenderer htmlRenderer;
>>>   @OSGiService Parser parser;
>>>   List<PageTranslation> translations;
>>>   PageTranslation requestedTranslation;
>>>   @PostConstruct
>>>   protected void resolveContent() {
>>>     Locale lang = requestedLanguage();
>>>     translations = getPageTranslations();
>>>     log.warn("Parsing translation for resources {}", translations);
>>>     try {
>>>       requestedTranslation = findRequestedTranslationOrUseDefault();
>>>     } catch (Exception e) {
>>>       log.warn("Exception getting content ", e);
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>>   private List<PageTranslation> getPageTranslations() {
>>>     List<PageTranslation> translations = new ArrayList<>();
>>>     resource
>>>         .getChild("lang")
>>>         .getChildren()
>>>         .forEach(
>>>             resource1 -> {
>>>               PageTranslation translation =
>>> resource1.adaptTo(PageTranslation.class);
>>>               if (translation != null) {
>>>                 translations.add(translation);
>>>               }
>>>             });
>>>     return translations;
>>>   }
>>>   public String getTitle() {
>>>     return requestedTranslation.getTitle();
>>>   }
>>>   public String getLanguage() {
>>>     return requestedTranslation.getLanguage();
>>>   }
>>>   public String getContent() {
>>>     String content = requestedTranslation.getContent();
>>>     Node doc = parser.parse(content);
>>>     return htmlRenderer.render(doc);
>>>   }
>>> ----
>>> I'm hoping this can be added to Sling CMS, pending the markdown changes
>>> are upstreamed.
>>> I believe text based formats are cool and they solve some problems in an
>>> interesting way.
>> I've used markdown a fair bit and agree for text heavy use cases.
>>> What do you think? Daniel, would you help me shape this so it can be
>>> included in Sling CMS ?
>> Totally. It'd seem like we'd need to include a markdown editor, script
>> and model to render the markdown content. That way we could show a HTML
>> editor and a markdown editor which might be nice from anyone coming from a
>> markdown too such as Jekyll.
>> Not related: I haven't seen a Sling CMS feature
>>> in Sling Karaf features. I would like to add one in the near future.
>> That'd be great!
>>> Other notes: I've targeted asciidoc via asciidoctor but there are issues
>>> with running asciidoctorj in osgi.
>>> Regards,
>>> Eugen
>>> [1] https://github.com/atlassian/commonmark-java/pulls
>>> [2] https://bintray.com/netdava/maven/commonmark-java

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